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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Tuesday, August 29th, 1865

To day the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] is engaged in planting out some eschalots in the garden. I drove up town after some bacon, but did not succeed in getting any. Fanny & Conney are both sick with the fever. Weather clear and hot. Ther: 92°.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Monday, August 28th, 1865

To day I drove up town in the buggy and purchased some garden seed. I also got some eschalots from Mrs. Lieut. Maury. Charley Lund came home with me and spent the day. Capt. Cameron & Mr. Trowell came over & spent the evening. Weather clear & hot. Ther: 88°.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sunday, August 27th, 1865

To day I walked up to Charley Lund's and spent the forenoon with him. He sent the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] a nice present of some peaches. He also came down home with me and spent the evening. I am still afflicted with the itch, but the boil is getting better, tho not near so painful. Weather clear & pleasant, with a gentle wind blowing all day. Ther: 78°.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Saturday, August 26th, 1865

To day I worked a little in the garden, although I am still suffering with a boil & the itch. I drove up town and borrowed from Mr. Lund the sum of fifteen dollars. I also had a settlement with him for hauling some things up the Country for Mr. Green. In said settlement I paid him for the bacon, lard and soap heretofore purchased from him. I purchased from Mr. Bristley 5 lbs of candles for which I paid him the cash. I also paid him for the pound of candles I got from him on the 19th inst. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] purchased from Mr. Jackson 17 lbs of beef for which I still owe him. Weather variable with occasional showers of rain. Ther: 78°.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Friday, August 25th, 1865

To day I remained at home, not being able to stir about in consequence of a large boil on my posterior in addition to the itch. Weather cloudy & warm with incessant rain throughout the entire day. Ther: 80°.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Thursday, August 24th, 1865

To day the Steamer Ruthven left for Galveston. I spent the forenoon down at the warehouse. I am still severely afflicted with the itch and in consequence of which it is with great difficulty I can get about at all. Weather cloudy and warm. Ther: 88°.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Wednesday, August 23rd, 1865

To day I walked up town to try a negro boy, who broke into the store of Mr. Skinner, but the parties not being able to identify the negro under arrest as the one who committed the offence, I discharged the negro. In the evening Mr. Trowell, Perkins & Cameron came over to my house and amused themselves playing whist. The Steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston, and is now engaged taking on board lumber for the U.S. Government. Weather clear and hot. Ther: 94°.