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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Tuesday, April 11th, 1865

To day we dropped the flat boat down the river 45 miles and tied up for the night at the plantation of Dr. Baldwin. at home Hicks ground 13 bushels of corn. Weather cloudy & cool with occasional showers of rain.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Monday, April 10th, 1865

To day John F. Carr, John Beazley & myself with 6 negro fellows left Smithfield on the flat boat in route for Liberty. we dropped down the river 30 miles and tied up for the night. At home Hicks ground 5 bushels of corn. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] let Mrs. John Wortham have 50 lbs of flour. Weather cloudy & cool with a rain throughout the day & very disagreeable at night.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sunday, April 9th, 1865

To day I am still at John Carr's and in consequence of the rain on yesterday we had to finish loading the flat boat to day in order to get ready to start for Liberty. Weather cloudy & cold with rain throughout the night.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Saturday, April 8th, 1865

To day I am still at John Carr's assisting in loading his flat boat preparitory to starting to Liberty. At home Hicks ground 24 bushels of corn. Weather cloudy & cold with incessant rain.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Friday, April 7th, 1865

To day Billy Roberts left me at Mr. Carr's and drove my mule John home with him. I assisted Mr. Carr in loading his flat boat with cotton. Weather cloudy and cold with occasional showers of rain. at home Hicks ground 22 bushels of corn.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Thursday, April 6th, 1865

To day we left Alderman's and rode 28 miles & stopped for the night with John F Carr. The road was very bad and I was entirely worn out. Expenses of the day 20$ at the mill at home Hicks ground 11 bushels of corn. Weather cloudy & cold with occasional showers of rain.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Wednesday, April 5th, 1865

To day we left Dan Dailey's & rode 29 miles & stopped for the night with Mr. Alderman I being pretty well worn out expenses of the day 25$ Weather cloudy & warm with light showers of rain throughout the entire day. Hicks ground 11 bushels of corn at the mill.