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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Tuesday, December 27th, 1864

To day John went out hog hunting but without success. Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] & John Connell [son of Mahala's sister] spent the day with us. Sam* Sharp rode my horse Rob to Crockett and back. Hicks ground 15 bushels of wheat. Weather clear & rather warm.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog. Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa, and son of Mahala.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Monday, December 26th, 1864

To day the boys rode out hog hunting and succeeded in getting one. Sam* Sharp rode down to Mother's [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and spent the day there. Mrs. Bird came up and spent the day with us. Hicks ground 5 bushels of wheat. I purchased from Smith's negroes 22 bushels of potatoes for which I paid flour. A soldier stopped with me for the night. Weather clear and rather warm for the season.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is his mother.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Sunday, December 25th, 1864

Today Sam* Sharp & I with the children in the little wagon, Nellie* [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] & the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] in the buggy, all drove down to Mother's [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] where we spent our Christmas. We had a fine dinner & a good eggnogg. We passed the day very pleasantly. Weather cloudy & rather warm. 

*This Sam and Nellie are 2nd great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog. The "little woman" is Sam's sister. Mahala is Sam's mother.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Saturday, December 24th, 1864

Saturday December 24th 1864. To day the boys assisted me at the mill we ground 4 bushels of wheat & 23 bushels of corn. Weather cloudy & cool with occasional showers of rain. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Friday, December 23rd, 1864

To day the boys are at work chopping & hauling wood. I assisted Hicks in the mill where we ground 10 bushels of wheat. Capt. John Wootters left for Crockett. Weather changeable and rather warm.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Thursday, December 22nd, 1864

To day Sam* Sharp and the boys again went out hog hunting but without success. Sam however killed a fine deer. I loaned Mother* [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] 300 lbs of fine dry salt. Capt. John Wootters came out & stopped with me for the night. Hicks ground 12 bushels of wheat. Weather clear and cold, with a hard frost at night.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is his mother.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Wednesday, December 21st, 1864

To day Sam* Sharp and the boys went out a hog hunting but without any success. I half soled a pair of shoes for myself. Hicks ground 13 bushels of wheat & 15 bushels of corn. George Alford & Frank Ward stopped with me for the night. Weather clear & cold, with a hard frost at night.

*This Sam Sharp is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.