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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tuesday, October 30th, 1860

To day John Harwell left on Hawk in search of Mustapha. Sam Sharp* & I went to Crockett in the buggy. Mother** came up & remained all night with the little woman. weather cloudy & a very hard rain at night.

*Samuel Houston Sharp, my 2nd great-grandpa
**Mahala Lee Sharp Hall nee Roberts, my 3rd great-grandma

Friday, October 29, 2010

Monday, October 29th, 1860

To day Mother* & Mrs. Bird came to see the little woman and Wm. B. Lacy also visited us. We went ducking with but little success. Nothing of note to record. weather changable & warm.

 *Mahala Lee Sharp Hall nee Roberts, my 3rd great-grandma

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sunday, October 28th, 1860

To day Father, Mother* & Roberta came up and Sam Sharp** went home with Mother. Bill hauled wood and made 2 loads. Father named the little responsibility as follows. Florence Mahala Hall. Weather warm & Cloudy with every prospect of rain.

*Mahala Lee Sharp Hall nee Roberts, my 3rd great-grandma
**Samuel Houston Sharp, my 2nd great-grandpa

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Saturday, October 27th, 1860

To day Sam Sharp and I went ducking, and killed 4 ducks. Mother & Roberta came up and spent the day. John Harwell has entirely recovered. Bill at work at the yokes. weather cloudy & occasional showers of rain.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 26th, 1860

To day I sent Albert to pull hay, & put Bill to making yokes. I kill another fine duck. Ground 8½ Bushels of meal. I let Tanner have 1 Bushel of meal. Sam Sharp arrived home, and I went with him to see Mother. Harwell getting better. weather cloudy & light sprinkles of rain.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thursday, October 25th, 1860

To day Mother & Roberta came up to see the little woman and Roberta was taken with the chills. John Harwell is still sick. Bill & Albert went after timber for the yokes. I ground 4½ Bushels meal. weather clear & warm.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wednesday, October 24th, 1860

To day John Harwell is still sick. I sent the boys after 2 wild steers but without success. In consequence of the sickness of John Harwell I was compelled to attend the mill and ground 4 bushels of corn. I also kill one duck which is the first this season. weather clear & very warm for this time of the year.