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Monday, September 12, 2016

1866 :: Death of James Madison Hall

One hundred fifty years ago today . . . "I shall have shuffled off this mortal soil and been reaped to the bosom of my ancestors."

It was the 12th day of September . . . in the year was 1866 . . . and according to the information recorded on a military tombstone in the Liberty City Cemetery, this was the final day on this earth for James Madison Hall aka the author of this Journal . . .

A handwritten note on the last page of my copy of the Journal indicates that the "Liberty Gazette says J M Hall died of Cholera Sept 1866" . . . another source says he survived until November of 1866 . . . and yet another handwritten note on the last page of the Journal indicates that he did not die until September of 1867 . . .

Research will be on-going . . . with periodic postings and updates as information is revealed and compiled . . .

James Madison Hall was fond of posting a closing statement at the end of every month of the year as well as at the end of every calendar year . . . since we do not (yet) have access to his final thoughts, we will now go back to his closing notes for the month of December 1864 . . .

Thus I close my jottings for the month of December and for the year 1864 which has just passed & gone and now numbered with the things that were. Whether the Almighty will spare me to chronicle the daily events of the incoming year is more than poor mortal man can foresee or know but trusting in his goodness I shall enter upon the pleasing task which is meaningful as a book of reference and may hereafter be profitable to those who have an interest in my affairs after I shall have shuffled off this mortal soil and been reaped to the bosom of my ancestors.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Monday, September 10th, 1866

To day I remained at the warehouse during the forenoon. In the evening I drove up town and while there settled in full with J.D. Skinner up to this date. I also purchased a few articles for the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. Capt. Redman returned from his visit to the Country in a state of intoxication, and was rather quarrelsome & abusive. Hicks & Ned are at work getting fire wood. Weather cloudy and hot with occasional showers of rain.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Sunday, September 9th, 1866

To day I remained at home reading. Capt. Redman is still absent on his visit. Dr. Tarleton & family are still here. Weather cloudy and hot with occasional showers of rain throughout the entire day.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Saturday, September 8th, 1866

To day I am at work at the warehouse. In the evening I drove up town in my buggy with my horse Charley working in order to try him. The boys finished chopping white oak blocks. Hicks went to [still?] and upon his return he had a hard chill & fever. Capt. Redman left on his pony and rode out in the Country and remained all night. Dr. Tarleton and wife are still here. Weather cloudy and hot with occasional showers of rain and a severe storm at night attended with a flood of rain.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Friday, September 7th, 1866

To day I am at work at the warehouse. Hicks is engaged hauling rails for Capt. Dawson & worked for him all day. Capt. Redman is still with me also Dr. Tarleton & wife who make haste very slowly to leave. Weather cloudy and hot with occasional showers of rain throughout the day and hard rain at night.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Thursday, September 6th, 1866

To day I am at work at the warehouse. Ed. Jones left on the cars for Houston in order to procure some painting materials for Col. Wrigley's house. Hicks is at work hauling fire wood. Dr. Tarleton & wife are now making preparations to leave my house & may God speed them. Capt. John W. Redman is still with me. Weather cloudy and hot with occasional showers of rain.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Wednesday, September 5th, 1866

To day I am at work at the warehouse. Billy Sowell is at work painting the chimneys to my house. Capt. Redman is still with me. Mr. Beard made a tongue for Jimmy's [James Wrigley Hall] little buggy. Hicks is engaged hauling wood. My relations with my boarder Mrs. Tarleton are still quite unpleasant. Weather variable and hot.