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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Friday, August 14th, 1863

To day the boys are still pulling fodder in the bottom field. John hauled two loads home. In the evening the boys stacked it up. The whole amount of fodder saved from the lower field is 4333 lbs. I ground 2 bushels of wheat. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] had a fever all day, and a severe attack of Cholera Morbus on last night. In consequence of a continued dispute and argument between Father and myself in relation to the distance from the mill to his house I concluded to measure it. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] assisted me. we commenced at the mill door. at 260 varas we reached the corner of the garden at the end of the lane. at 1070 varas we reached Cooks branch which is a spring branch and flows all the year. at 1690 varas we reached the Chinquepin flat & branch. at 1900 varas we set up the first mile post. at 2600 varas we reached the top of what is called "the big hill". at 3800 varas we set up the two mile post. at 3820 varas we reached the corner of the fence to the lower field. at 3850 varas we reached what is called the "Brown" house. at 4125 varas we reached Hall's Spring branch a beautiful stream flowing the entire year. at 4430 varas we reached the tan yard branch. at 4751 varas we reached the Hall's bluff fork. at 4775 varas we reached the head of the lane leading to Fathers home. at 5125 varas we reached the gate. thus making the distance 2¾ miles, which has (heretofore) always been called and passed for 2 miles and thus settling the vexed and disputed point as to the distance as aforesaid by actual measurement. weather clear & hot. Ther: 92°.

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