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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sunday, April 23rd, 1865

To day I am still in Liberty and still stopping with Capt. Peacock. Weather clear & rather cool.

1 comment:

    April 26, 1865, p. 2, c. 2

    A private letter, dated West Liberty, the 18th instant, gives the information that the house of Mr. B. F. Waring, of that place, was robbed and set on fire last Sunday, while Mr. Waring and his family were at Church, distant not over half a mile. Mr. Waring lost everything he had in the world, except the clothing he and his family had on.

    The lock of his desk and every other lock was broken, and money, clothing, bedding, &c., all taken. It appears that the fire was extinguished before the house was entirely burned, so that the work of the robbers was plain to be seen, but who the perpetrators of this robbery are, is not known.

    Other robberies, we learn, have taken place in the vicinity, by jayhawkers and deserters. There seems to be safety nowhere. The entire destitution of Mr. Waring and his family demand prompt relief to prevent serious suffering.

    The letter states that the articles needed are scarcely to be had in the neighborhood, such as beds and bedding, a cooking stove, with the fixtures, a few knives and forks and plates, and such other articles as are required to prevent suffering.

    We would suggest to our citizens who have any such articles to spare, that they could hardly perform a more humane act than by offering them to the sufferers. We will take charge of any such articles, and pledge ourselves to see them properly delivered to the suffering family. We make this suggestion without the knowledge of, or any request on the part of the sufferers.

    The frequent accounts we now have of such outrages being perpetrated in all parts of the country, seem to call for some united action on the part of our citizens for mutual protection.
