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Friday, January 1, 2016

Monday, January 1st, 1866

To day I commence my notes of events that may daily happen immediately around me during the current year. These notes are not intended to be of any service to any one except myself as a book of reference and to my family as a faithful exposition of my daily transactions. 

I formed & entered into a copartnership with James Wrigley to carry on in the town of Liberty a general Commission and Warehouse business. The Steamer Kate & Sloop Luna left for Galveston. 

The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] had a fine new year's dinner which reflected great credit upon her art as a house Keeper. I entered into a Contract with negro man Albert to work for the year at 15$ per month with board, he furnishing a negro woman to cook. I also employed my old servant Hicks for the year at 10$ per month. Weather cloudy & cold with incessant rain throughout the entire day.

from 1866 & 1867 issues of the
Galveston Flakes Daily Bulletin

1 comment:

  1. A classified regarding the "copartnership" between James Madison Hall and his friend, Col. James Wrigley, can be found in 1866 and 1867 issues of the Galveston Flakes Daily Bulletin . . . the wording is as follows . . .


    The fast sailing passenger packet
    ALICE M.
    Thos. Peacock, Master.

    Will make regular trips between GALVESTON and LIBERTY, leaving Galveston every Tuesday and Saturday at 2 o'clock P.M., and Liberty every Monday and Thursday at 2 o'clock P.M.

    For freight or passage apply on Board or to

    CHAS. C. LUND & CO.
    Agents at Galveston

    Agents at Liberty.
