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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sunday, December 31st, 1865

To day I am engaged in making out bills of lading for the Steamer Kate & Sloop Luna, both of said boats are still here. Mrs. Beale* [Elizabeth Lemaire Beale nee Waring] came over and spent the day. Jimmy [James Wrigley Hall] had another chill and fever. Frank [Stewart] is still improving. Weather cloudy with occasional showers of rain. 

Thus I close my notes for the month of December and for the year 1865, which has just passed and gone and now remembered with the things that were. Whether the Almighty wll spare me to record the daily events of things passing around me for the incoming year is more than mortal man can know but trusting in his goodness and mercy I shall enter upon the pleasing task which to me is useful as a book of reference and may here after be profitable to those who have an interest in my affairs.

The Galveston Daily News
Houston, Sunday, December 31, 1865

*This Mrs. Beale is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

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