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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thursday, December 31st, 1863

This morning the ground was covered over two inches deep with snow. Father [Joshua James Hall], Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and Mr. Thomas Sharp all left, the two former for home and the latter for the wheat region. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I ground 6 bushels of corn & 10 bushels of wheat. In the evening the boys commenced work after their Christmas holliday. 

Weather clear and bitter cold, the mill pond being frozen entirely over one inch thick and it continued to freeze all day even in the sun shine. At night it froze all the little woman's eggs in my room although I kept a large fire in it throughout the entire night. It is decidedly the coldest spell of weather that I have ever experienced in the State of Texas, after a residence of 28 years. 

Thus closes my notes for the month of December and also for the year 1863 just passed and gone and now numbered with the things that were. whether the Almighty will spare me to chronicle the daily events of the incoming year is more than I know but trusting in Him, I shall enter upon the pleasing task, which is useful as a reference and may be profitable to those who have an interest in me.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog. Sam is her son.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Wednesday, December 30th, 1863

To day Father [Joshua James Hall], Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts], Nellie* [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] and Hicks all returned from their visit to Crockett, thoroughly soaked to the skin with rain. Mr. Thomas Sharp also came to the mill with 84 bushels of wheat he too was soaked both internally and externally. they all remained with me for the night. I ground 2 bushels of corn and 7 bushels of wheat. Weather cloudy and rainy until night when it turned bitter cold. a hail and snow storm passed over leaving the ground covered with a coat of snow two inches deep, the surface of which was hardly frozen over.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog. Nellie is a 2nd great-grandma, and is Mahala's daughter-in-law.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tuesday, December 29th, 1863

To day I let Hicks ride my horse Ratler to Crockett. Father [Joshua James Hall], Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and Nellie* [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] also rode to Crockett to purchase some of the goods imported by Capt. Stubblefield from Mexico. I ground 8½ bushels of corn and 7½ bushels of wheat. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode down to Mothers and remained there for the night as company and protection for the children [half-siblings of Sam as well as of J.M. Hall]. Weather changeable and warm with occasional showers of rain throughout the night.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog. Nellie and Sam are 2nd great-grandparents. Mahala is Sam's mother.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Monday, December 28th, 1863

To day Bill returned home from his visit across the river to Mrs. Tubbs. he brought with him the ox bell which had been stolen from the neck of my ox while he was running over there by one of Mr. Tubbs' negro boys. Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall] was quite sick. I remained about the house, writing up this note book. Weather clear & cold with a frost and freeze at night.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Sunday, December 27th, 1863

To day I remained at home writing up this journal or note book. Bill is still over the river on his visit to Mrs. Tubbs. Weather clear and cold with a hard frost and freeze at night.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Saturday, December 26th, 1863

To day I gave the boys holliday until Thursday next. I let Bill ride one of my mules across the river to see his old Mistress Mrs. Tubbs. Captain Peacock left for Magnolia. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] made Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall] a pair of shoes. I ground 7 bushels of wheat. Burt* [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] is still here and has been for several days past. Weather cloudy & cold with showers of rain.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog. Burt is his half-sister.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Friday, December 25th, 1863

To day being Christmas, all order of business was suspended, and we all went in for a regular jollification. I had with me to partake of our Christmas dinner, Father [Joshua James Hall], Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts], Capt. Peacock, Mrs. Bird, Mr. Leaverton, and sundry others besides the home folks. the egg nogg flowed freely and all went off as merry as a marriage bell. To close the scene at night the negroes had a ball in the yard by moon light. they touched the light "fantastic" too and were as happy as happy could be. If Lincoln should succeed in his mad project and for which he is now prosecuting his unholy war for their emancipation, he will only plunge them into abject missery from their now happy condition. Weather changeable & cool.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Thursday, December 24th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work on the stables. I sent John over to Rives' still after the demijohn & wallet also for some whiskey but he did not get any in consequence of the still house having been robbed the night before. I ground 12 bushels of corn, and Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 3 bushels of wheat. In the evening Capt. Peacock and I rode down to Fathers [Joshua James Hall] and back. Times are quite brisk at the house preparing for Christmas dinner. Weather changeable & cool with occasional showers of rain.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Wednesday, December 23rd, 1863

To day the boys are still at work on the stables. Capt. Peacock arrived from Liberty on his way to Parker's bluff. he stopped with me to spend the Christmas festivities. I ground 28 bushels of corn. Weather cloudy and warm with a hard rain at night.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tuesday, December 22nd, 1863

To day the boys are still at work on the stables. I sent John across the Trinity river with Father [Joshua James Hall] to Rives' still after some whiskey, but they did not get any. they left my demijohn and wallet over there which will cost another trip. I ground 24 bushels of corn. Weather cloudy and warm with a hard rain at night.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Monday, December 21st, 1863

To day the boys are at work on the stables. I drove my horse (Rob) and buggy to Crockett and back. while there I left with L.E. Downes 15 pairs of russett brogans for him to sell for me. I purchased one gallon of whiskey for which I paid 80$ 1 oz. of the oil of Sassafras at 5¢ per oz. 1 lb. of candy at 3$. I record these prices for the benefit of those that come after me, in order that they may see some of the benefits that war brings upon the Country and people. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 9½ bushels of corn. Mother* [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] went home leaving the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] and babe [Josephine] all doing well. Weather changeable and cold, with indications of rain.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is his mother.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Sunday, December 20th, 1863

To day Father [Joshua James Hall], Mr. & Mrs. Bird, came to see the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] and the little stranger [Josephine]. Mother* [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] is still here. Mr. Butler passed on his way to Polk County from Parker's bluff. he called in to see us, but did not stay long. Weather clear and cool with a hard frost at night.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Saturday, December 19th, 1863

To day the boys are engaged in cutting up and salting down the pork killed yesterday. John is at work hauling wood. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode out hog hunting but was unsuccessful. he however killed two fine turkeys. Mother* [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] is still here. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] is improving. I ground 7½ bushels of corn. I purchased two bushels of pecans, at 6$ per bushel & gave flour for them at 50¢ per lb. Weather clear and cold with a hard frost and freeze at night.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is his mother.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Friday, December 18th, 1863

In the morning the boys worked on the stables. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode out with Mr. Keen and succeeded in killing 6 hogs which the boys cleaned in the evening. they weighed 637 lbs. Mr. Keen came up to see the little new responsibility [Josephine]. he however did not stay long. Mother* [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] rode down home and returned with Father [Joshua James Hall] in the evening, who came up to see the little stranger [Josephine]. Father did not remain long. I ground 18 bushels of corn. Weather clear and cold, with a hard frost and freeze at night.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is his mother.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thursday, December 17th, 1863

To day the boys and I worked on the mill in order to make it grind but only succeeded in grinding 4½ bushels of corn. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode out hog hunting but had no success. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] is doing very well after her confinement. Mother** [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] is still here attending to the new responsibility whom we have this day named Josephine Martha Hall. Weather clear and cold with a hard freeze and frost at night.

*2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog
**3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog

Monday, December 16, 2013

Wednesday, December 16th, 1863

To day the boys are at work on the stables. John is at work hauling wood. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] is still here. Rachael however went home. Not having caught sufficient head of water, the mill done no grinding. Weather cloudy, disagreeable & very cold with a hard frost and freeze at night, the ice forming in all the vessels that had water in them ½ inch thick.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tuesday, December 15th, 1863

To day Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] and the boys finished the floor in the mill forebay and let down the gates to catch a head of water. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] was taken sick and at 1½ o'clock A.M. was delivered of a female child [Josephine Martha Hall]. She may truthfully be said to be a woman of ready conception and easy delivery. there were present Mrs. Bird, Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts], Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] and myself, assisted by Rachael a negro woman. I sent for Dr. Murchison, who came but as usual too late to be of any service in his profession. he remained for dinner and then left for home. Weather cloudy with occasional showers of rain and a hard rain at night.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Monday, December 14th, 1863

To day the boys, Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I are all at work in the Mill forebay stopping the hole in it. I let in the water and ground 8 bushels of corn, but found we had not stopped the leak in it, and again let off the water, and we then commenced putting a new bottom or floor over the old one. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and remained all night. Weather cloudy and cold with strong indications of rain.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sunday, December 13th, 1863

To day Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out hog hunting but without any success. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire], the children and I all went over to Mr. Leaverton's and spent the day. A hole broke in the flooring of the forebay and let off the whole head of water. Weather clear and cold with a hard frost and freeze at night.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Saturday, December 12th, 1863

To day the boys are at work on the stables. John is at work hauling wood. Capt. Peacock and I had a settlement for the rent of my house in Liberty which he is occupying. I paid him the freight bill on my furniture from Liberty to Hall's bluff which was brought up on the steamer Alamo which he was commander of her. The freight bill was 183$ but I deducted 50$ from it for lost articles. He then paid me $167 balance on rent & I receipted him in full for the current years rent of said house which expires on the 31st inst. He & Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] then left for Mr. Beavers'. I ground 20 bushels of corn. Nellie* [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] rode my horse Hawk down to Mother's [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and spent the day. Sam* had no success in hunting hogs. Weather clear and cold with a hard frost at night.

*This Sam and Nellie are 2nd great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is Sam's Mother.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Friday, December 11th, 1863

To day the boys finished putting up 3 stalls in the stable and got them partially covered in. John is at work hauling wood. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] is at work mending a fiddle for Martin. I ground 10 bushels of corn. Capt. Peacock arrived from Parker's bluff on his way to the City of Houston. He remained all night with me. Weather cloudy & rather cool.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thursday, December 10th, 1863

To day the boys raised one portion of the stables. John is still at work hauling in the timber for the stables. Sam [ Samuel Houston Sharp] rode out hog hunting but without any success. I ground 3 bushels of corn. Weather changeable and cold with a frost at night.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Wednesday, December 9th, 1863

To day the boys commenced working on the stables. John is still hauling in the stable timber. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 4 bushels of wheat and I ground 5 bushels of corn. Weather cloudy and cold with a frost at night.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tuesday, December 8th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work hauling timber for the stables. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 10 bushels of wheat and I ground 16½ bushels of corn. Weather clear and cold with a hard frost at night.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Monday, December 7th, 1863

To day the boys are at work hauling in the timber for the stable. I sent Bill again across the river after my oxen, which has been running there for some time. he succeeded in finding and driving him home. I ground 36 bushels of corn and Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 5 bushels of wheat. weather cloudy, rainy and very cold.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Sunday, December 6th, 1863

To day Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp], Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall] & I rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and spent the day. I sent Bill across the Trinity River after one of my oxen, but he did not succeed in finding him. Weather changeable and cold.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Saturday, December 5th, 1863

To day the boys are at work at and finished getting timber for the stables. John is at work hauling the timber in. Sam ground 8 bushels of corn and 3 bushels of wheat. Fawn's [Florence Mahala Hall] arm is still improving and will now get well in the course of one month without any serious harm. I am sore afflicted with rheumatism in the right hip and not able to get about. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and Roberta [Berta Downes Halyard nee Hall] came up to see the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] and spent the day. Weather cloudy with occasional showers of rain & rather cold.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Friday, December 4th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work getting timber to build a stable. John is at work hauling it in. Dr. Murchison came to see me but not professionally and I paid him 25$ that I borrowed from him on the 27th of last month. J.H. Leaverton paid me the 200$ that I loaned him on the 27th of last month. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 8 bushels of corn and 2 bushels of wheat. I worked all day painting & lettering my half bushels. Fawn's [Florence Mahala Hall] arm is still improving. Weather clear & pleasant in the morning, but cloudy, rainy and disagreeable in the evening with a hard rain at night.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thursday, December 3rd, 1863

To day the boys are still at work getting timber to build a stable. John commenced hauling it in. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] to fix her loom. I ground 15 bushels of corn. Fawn's [Florence Mahala Hall] arm is still improving. Weather clear and cold with a hard frost at night.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Wednesday, December 2nd, 1863

To day the boys are still at work getting timber to build a stable. John is at work chopping wood. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 6 bushels of wheat and 4 bushels of corn. Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] came up to see Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall] whose arm is still improving. he did not remain long. Weather clear & cool with a frost at night.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wednesday, December 1st, 1863

To day the boys commenced getting timber to build a stable. I sent John to drive the cows and calves down to the river bottom for a winter range. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 8 bushels of wheat. I ground 2 bushels of corn and worked upon and finished painting the second sign for Mr. Cox. Fawn's [Florence Mahala Hall] arm is still slowly improving. Weather clear and cold, with a hard frost at night.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Monday, November 30th, 1863

To day I kept the boys at home and put them to work on the mill levee, which had a small rent caused by the high water. John is engaged hauling boards. I ground 42 bushels of corn and Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 6 bushels of wheat. Fawn's [Florence Mahala Hall] arm is still improving. Weather clear and cold with a hard freeze at night. Thus closes the jottings for the month of November of incidents connected with me & in which I have any interest.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Sunday, November 29th, 1863

To day I rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] with the boys and while there I marked and branded two calves in the same mark and brand as heretofore noted. I remained at Mothers for dinner, after which she came up home with me to see Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall], whose arm is still improving. Weather clear and very cold with a hard freeze at night being thus far the coldest of the season. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Saturday, November 28th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is still at work running tar. In the morning early the ground was covered with sleet and when I went down to the stables I found my horse Gladiator had seriously hurt himself some time during last night. he died about 10 o'clock a.m. from the injury, thus perished the finest horse that was in the County, and one that I had refused twelve hundred dollars for. Poor old horse let him die and he has now ended his labors on earth. Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall] is still improving with her arm. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 10 bushels of wheat and 1½ bushels of corn. I had the skin taken off of Gladiator, and intend keeping the same to remind me of him. I am at work painting Mr. Cox's sign. Weather clear and bitter cold, with a hard freeze at night the ice forming ½ in. thick in all the vessels that had water in them.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Friday, November 27th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work trying to run tar but with rather poor success. I rode up to the school house and while there paid my war tax of $1213. and Sam's tax of $9.50. I loaned J.H. Leaverton 200$. I borrowed from Dr. Murchison 25$. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 8 bushels of corn. Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall] is still improving with her arm. Weather cloudy and cold with a hard rain and freeze at night.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thursday, November 26th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John lost the entire day hunting his oxen. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 5 bushels of wheat. Dr. Murchison remained until after dinner in consequence of which I done no work on Mr. Cox's sign. Father [Joshua James Hall] came up to see Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall] who is doing pretty well with her arm. he did not remain long. Weather cloudy and cold.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Wednesday, November 25th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John went up to Mrs. Bird's to haul in and house her potatoes. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 4 bushels of wheat. I am still at work painting Mr. Cox's sign. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and spent the day. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] rode up to Mrs. Birds and while she was absent my daughter Florence [Florence Mahala Hall] fell from the house gallery and dislocated the Radius bone of the right fore arm at the elbow joint. I sent for Dr. Murchison who came to see her and remained all night. Weather clear & cold with a hard frost at night.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tuesday, November 24th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work hauling wood. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 5 bushels of wheat. I am engaged painting another sign for Mr. Cox. Weather cloudy and cold. at night it cleared off and there was a hard frost and freeze.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Monday, November 23rd, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work hauling wood. Mr. Cox's wagon left with one of the signs. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 24 bushels of corn. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] drove Rob and the buggy down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and there spent the day. Mother sent me by Nellie a new pair of pants for which I am thankful. Sam killed two nice ducks. I marked and branded eleven calves, the mark being a crop and two splits in the right ear and a swallow fork in the left ear, and branded them Æ A&E united. weather cloudy and cold, with indications of rain.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Sunday, November 22nd, 1863

To day I let Bill and John ride over on the other side of the Trinity River after one of my oxen that had straid off but they had no success. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I worked on Cox's sign and succeeded in finishing the largest one. Mr. Cox's wagon came out from Crockett after the signs and remained all night. Weather clear & cool with a strong East wind blowing.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Saturday, November 21st, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work hauling boards and made two loads. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] and children drove down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] in the buggy and there spent the day. I am busy at work lettering Mr. Cox's signs. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 34 bushels of corn. Weather changeable and cold, with a frost at night.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Friday, November 20th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work hauling fire wood. Mr. Cox came out to see about his signs and when I could get them painted. He remained until after dinner & then left for Crockett. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 7 bushels of wheat. I went out hunting and killed a duck the likes of which I have never before seen. it was perfectly white with a black back and black top knot tinged with purple. rather an odd fowl to me. weather changeable & cold with a hard frost at night.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thursday, November 19th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is still hauling boards and made two loads. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came by to see the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] as she returned from Mrs. Birds. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground for Mother 104 lbs of flour, also two bushels of wheat for Mrs. Pridgen. Weather clear & pleasant until late in the evening when it clouded up and the wind came out of the north very severe, making it very cold at night. it rained exceedingly hard with a perfect tornado blowing.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Wednesday, November 18th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John commenced hauling boards and made two loads. Father [Joshua James Hall], Judge Eagan, Mr. Allen and Strain came up to see but did not remain long. I ground 5 bushels of corn and then worked on Mr. Cox's signs giving them the second coat of paint. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went hunting but without success. Weather changeable and warm for the season.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tuesday, November 17th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John drove the wagon over to Mr. Keens to have some smith work done upon it. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and spent the afternoon. I ground 12 bushels of corn. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] made a frame for one of Mr. Cox's signs, which got broken in taking it down. Weather clear and warm.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Monday, November 16th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work in the new ground. I ground 17½ bushels of corn. Mr. Cox sent two signs out from Crockett for me to paint. Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] came up with letters for Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] from her Mother [Elizabeth Lemaire Beale nee Waring]. Weather clear and pleasant, but a hard frost and freeze at night.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Sunday, November 15th, 1863

To day the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], children and I drove down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] in the buggy and there spent the day. when we returned home we found Capt. Peacock and Mr. Butler who had just arrived from Liberty. they stopped with me all night. weather clear and warm.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Saturday, November 14th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. Hicks is at work making a sand bolster for the wagon. I ground 24 bushels of corn. Major Wortham came to see me and remained until after dinner when he left for home. Late in the evening Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] returned home from her visit to Hall's bluff. weather clear & cold with hard frost at night.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Friday, November 13th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work putting up a kiln to run some tar. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] drove my horse (Rob) and buggy down to Hall's bluff to see Mrs. Stubblefield who is very sick and remained there all night. John Williams came to see me and stopped all night. I ground 6½ bushels of corn. Weather cloudy and warm for the season.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thursday, November 12th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is still at work in the new ground. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall] & I drove to Crockett and back in the buggy. while in Crockett I collected from L.E. Downes $387 on account of a claim I held against the estate of John B. Odell. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and took care of Jim [James Wrigley Hall] while we were gone. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 8 bushels of corn. weather cloudy & very cool.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Wednesday, November 11th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work in the new ground. Mrs. Bird came down and spent the day and while at the house made a small hat or cap for Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall]. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I went hunting and killed 3 ducks. we also ground 6½ bushels of corn and 3 bushels of wheat. weather clear and cool.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tuesday, November 10th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work in the new ground chopping wood. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and spent the day. I ground 5 bushels of corn and 1 bushel of wheat. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I went hunting and killed 3 ducks. Weather clear and cool with a hard frost and freeze at night.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Monday, November 9th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work hauling fire wood. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode over to Mr. Keen's to have some work done. I ground 10½ bushels of corn and 1½ bushels of wheat. I then went hunting and killed one duck. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] & back after some walnuts. weather clear & cold with a hard frost at night.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Sunday, November 8th, 1863

To day Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and spent the day. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], children and I drove down in the buggy after hickory nuts and succeeded in gathering about 3 bushels. Weather changeable & cool.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Saturday, November 7th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is still at work in the garden. Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall], Jim [James Wrigley Hall] and the little Major [James Hall Sharp] are all sick with a fever. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and spent the day with us. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 5½ bushels of wheat. weather changeable and warm until night when the wind hauled around to the north, making it very cold with a hard shower of rain.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Friday, November 6th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work in the garden for the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. I ground 21½ bushels of corn and 1½ bushels of corn wheat. The little woman drove down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and back in the buggy. weather changeable and very warm for the season with occasional light sprinkling showers of rain.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thursday, November 5th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods getting boards. John is still at work in the new ground. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I finished pecking the wheat mill stones and started the mill. we ground 6½ bushels of corn and 3 bushels of wheat. Billy Stewart left after dinner for Crockett and George Numsen left for Father's [Joshua James Hall]. Joseph Keen, Thomas Keen and Sam went out fire hunting at night and succeeded in killing one fine buck. they got separated in the woods, and Mr. Keen carried the deer home with him. so I lost the venison steak that I so much hungered after. better luck next time. weather cloudy & warm with occasional showers of rain.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Wednesday, November 4th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is still at work in the new ground. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode over to Mr. Keen's to have the mill pecks upset in order to peck the flour mill. we commenced working upon them but made slow progress in consequence of them being so infurnal hard. Mr. Hallmark left early in the morning. Billy Stewart is still with us. Mr. George Numsen, Sylvester Hall and Sam Peacock came out from Crockett ducking but of course they had no luck. they all remained for dinner, after which they left for Crockett except Mr. Numsen who remained at night. I ground 20 bushels of corn. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] drove down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] & back after some candles. weather cloudy & warm with occasional showers of rain.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Tuesday, November 3rd, 1863

To day the boys went to the woods and commenced getting boards to cover the cribs, and the stables. John is at work chopping out the new ground in the mill field. I ground 10 bushels of corn and 2 bushels of wheat. Billy Stewart came out from Crockett, and stopped at the house with us. Mr. Hallmark came out after his flour and also staid with us. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I took down the flour mill in order to peck the stones. Weather cloudy & warm, with light showers of rain.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Monday, November 2nd, 1863

To day the boys are at work digging potatoes and preparing to go into the woods to split boards to cover the cribs and stables. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and spent the day with the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Roberts]. I ground 2½ bushels of corn and 1½ bushels of wheat. At night Thomas Keen came over, when he and Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out fire hunting but they had no success. Weather changeable and hot, with indications of rain.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Sunday, November 1st, 1863

To day I remained at home writing up this journal. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] gave me a first class dinner for which I feel quite greatful. weather cloudy and unpleasant with light drizzling showers of rain.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Saturday, October 31st, 1863

To day the boys finished sowing Wheat & Rye in the little field in front of the house. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] still at work on his shoes. I ground 3 bushels of wheat and went hunting. I succeeded in killing one duck. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] purchased from Mrs. Smith 8 lbs. of butter, for which she paid one dollar per lb. Weather clear & pleasant, but at night it clouded up and became quite cold & disagreeable. Thus I close the jotting of events that passed immediately around me and in which I had any interest, for the month of October.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Friday, October 30th, 1863

To day the boys are at work sowing wheat in the little field in front of the house. Sam* is still at work on his shoes. The little Major [James Hall Sharp] & James [James Wrigley Hall] are both with severe colds. I ground 6 bushels of corn and killed two ducks. Burt [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] stopped in to see the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] and children as she returned from school. Weather changeable and cold with a hard frost and freeze at night, the ice forming full ½ inch thick.

*Samuel Houston Sharp, my 2nd great-grandpa


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thursday, October 29th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work at and finished sowing barley & wheat in the mill field. I ground 2½ bu of corn and 2 bushels of wheat. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] rode up to Mrs. Birds and back on hawk. Sam* is still at work on his shoes. weather changeable & warm at night however the wind hauled around to the north when it became very cold with a drizzling rain falling.

*Samuel Houston Sharp, my 2nd great-grandpa


Monday, October 28, 2013

Wednesday, October 28th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work sowing barley in the mill field. Nellie* rode down to Mother's** on a visit, she returned in the evening. I ground 4½ bushels of corn and 1½ bushels of wheat. Sam*** commenced making himself a pair of shoes, he being nearly barefooted, & none can be purchased these war times. weather cloudy and warm.

*Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire, my 2nd great-grandma
**Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts, my 3rd great-grandma
***Samuel Houston Sharp, my 2nd great-grandpa

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tuesday, October 27th, 1863

To day the boys commenced planting barley on the mill field. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts*] left early in the morning for home. I ground 19½ bushels of corn, and 4 bushels of wheat. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp*] killed two wild geese. weather cloudy & cool. 

[*Ancestors of the Keeper of this family history blog.]


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Monday, October 26th, 1863

To day the boys finished hauling cotton from Mr. Leaverton's gin. they made 3 loads, making in all 10 loads. I ground 28 bushels of corn. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] had a fever and is quite sick. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and spent the day she also remained all night. weather cloudy & cool, with indications of rain.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sunday, October 25th, 1863

To day I drove my horse and buggy down to Hall's bluff after my leather that I had left with Capt. Stubblefield to have some shoes made for the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], he having declined to do so. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode out hunting but without success. I stopped at Father's [Joshua James Hall] and got dinner as I returned home. weather clear & cool with a hard frost at night.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Saturday, October 24th, 1863

To day the boys are still hauling cotton from Mr. Leaverton's gin and made 11 loads. I ground 6½ bushels of corn. In the evening the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], children and myself in the buggy and Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] on hawk all rode out to gather hickory nuts. we succeeded very well. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out hunting but without any luck. Weather clear & cold with another hard frost at night.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Friday, October 23rd, 1863

To day the boys were compelled to stop working in the mill field to haul cotton from Mr. Leaverton's gin, he wanting the use of it for his own crop. they made 3 loads. I ground 18½ bushels of corn & killed two fine ducks. Weather changeable and cold with a strong wind blowing from the north. at night there was a hard frost which killed nearly all kinds of vegetation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thursday, October 22nd, 1863

To day the boys finished preparing the mill field to sow barley. I ground 3 bushels of corn. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode over to Mr. Keen's to have the balance iron of the mill repaired. In the evening I drove my horse Rob and buggy down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] after the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] and children, whom I found all well. we returned home at night. weather cloudy with occasional showers of rain & very cold for the season of the year.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Wednesday, October 21st, 1863

To day the boys are preparing the mill field to sow in barley & wheat. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I had a great deal of trouble with the mill balance iron having to raise the mill rocks several times. we however succeeded in grinding 16½ bushels of corn. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. and children rode down to Mother's [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and remained there all night. weather cloudy & cold with indications of rain and a strong North wind blowing.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tuesday, October 20th, 1863

To day the boys finished putting the fence around the new ground in the mill field. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I put the mill stones down. when I ground 6 bushels of corn. Pet [Florence Mahala Hall] is still down at her Grand Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts]. At night a strange woman came to the house and remained all night. who she was or what she was doing I could not learn. but as she behaved herself I let her depart in peace. weather cloudy & rather warm.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Monday, October 19th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work putting up the fence around the new ground in the mill field. John still hauling rails and made two loads. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] missed the chill & fever. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] went with Burt [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] and entered her at Mrs. Brooks' school for one session and also put her to boarding with Major Wortham at 8$ per month. My daughter Florence attained her third birth day. she is very well grown for her age. Mother came by on her way home from Major Wortham's and carried Pet [Florence Mahala Hall] home with her. I ground 12 bushes of corn after which Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I took up the stones and pecked them. Weather changeable & warm with a very strong wind blowing from the S.E. and indications of rain.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sunday, October 18th, 1863

To day Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I rode out in the woods in hunt of some hogs but without any success. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] and the little Major [James Hall Sharp] are now up and I may say entirely recovered. James [James Wrigley Hall] however had another chill & fever. weather clear & rather hot.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Saturday, October 17th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work putting up the fence around the new ground in the mill field. John still hauling rails and made 2 loads. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] is recovering from her sickness. The little Major [James Hall Sharp] is still sick and James [James Wrigley Hall] had another chill & fever. I ground 9 bushels of corn. weather changeable and warm.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Friday, October 16th, 1863

To day the boys are at work putting up the fence around the new ground in the mill field. John still hauling rails and made two loads. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] & the little Major [James Hall Sharp] are still sick. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] had a chill & fever. In consequence of the low water in the pond the mill done no grinding. weather clear & rather hot for the season of the year.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thursday, October 15th, 1863

To day the boys are at work chopping out the fence row in order to enlarge the mill field. John is engaged hauling rails and made three loads. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] & Burt [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] came up to see Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] and the little Major [James Hall Sharp] who are still sick. Burt remained all night. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 1½ bushels of corn. weather clear and pleasant.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Wednesday, October 14th, 1863

To day the boys finished putting up the upper part of the cribs ready to receive the roof. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] & the little Major [James Hall Sharp] are still sick. I ground 13 bushels of corn. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] made Pet [Florence Mahala Hall] a pair of shoes. weather clear & cool. at night there was a light frost being the first of the season.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tuesday, October 13th, 1863

This morning Mr. Ramsdale stopped at the house for his breakfast. he is on his way home from Waco and walked the whole distance in eight days making 25 miles per day. this is pretty good walking for a man 65 years of age. The boys are at work putting up the upper part of the cribs. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] and the little Major [James Hall Sharp] are both sick. I ground 11½ bushels of corn. weather clear & cool.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Monday, October 12th, 1863

To day the boys are at work hauling logs to complete the corn cribs. I ground 17½ bushels of corn. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out hunting but no luck. Burt [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] & Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] came up & spent the day. weather changeable and rather cool.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Sunday, October 11th, 1863

To day Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp], Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire], the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], Pet [Florence Mahala Hall] and I went out chinquepin hunting. we succeeded in gathering a great many. so passed the day. Weather clear and pleasant.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Saturday, October 10th, 1863

To day the boys are getting and hauling logs to complete the corn cribs. I ground 2½ bushels of corn. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] was taken with a fever and is quite sick. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out hunting but without any success. weather clear and rather warm.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Friday, October 9th, 1863

To day the boys finished pulling and hauling corn, having made two loads. I killed two fine ducks. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] came home. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up with them and spent the day. In the evening Mother & the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] rode up to see Mrs. Bird. In consequence of the low water the mill done no grinding. Weather clear and pleasant.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thursday, October 8th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work pulling and hauling corn. they made two loads. In consequence of the low stage of water in pond the mill done no grinding. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] has attained the first anniversary of his birth day. in consequence of having been afflicted with so much sickness he is not so well grown or as forward as Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall] was at his age. I am thankful however that he is as well as he is. Father [Joshua James Hall] sent us a quarter of beef. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I went out hunting. Sam killed 3 turkeys and I killed a brant. Sam rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and remained there all night. weather changeable and pleasant.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Wednesday, October 7th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work pulling and hauling corn. they made two loads. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] is confined to her bed with neuralgia in the face or tiedouloureux [tic douloureux]. she has this day attained the 23rd anniversary of her birth day. I ground 9½ bushels of corn. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out hunting and killed a fine turkey. weather changeable and rather cool.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Tuesday, October 6th, 1863

To day the boys are still pulling and hauling corn. they made two loads. I ground 7½ bushels of corn. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] is very much troubled with the tooth ache. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] to spend 3 or 4 days with her. weather changeable and warm with light showers of rain at night.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Monday, October 5th, 1863

To day the boys are at work pulling and hauling corn. they made two loads from the lower field. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] and I finished lining & putting the door to the second corn crib. I ground 6½ bushels of corn. Roberta [Berta Downes Haylard nee Hall] & Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] came up to see us, but did not remain long. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], children and myself moved back into our old bed chamber, out of which we have been sleeping for the last two months. weather clear and quite pleasant.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Sunday, October 4th, 1863

To day Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I went down to the chinquepin flat after chinquepins but with rather poor success. Roberta [Berta Downes Halyard nee Hall] & Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] came up to see us, but did not remain long. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] and I took a strole in the evening after chinquepins. we succeeded in gathering a considerable quantity. weather clear and pleasant.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Saturday, October 3rd, 1863

In the forenoon Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp], I and the boys went to work and repaired the mill forebay. In the evening the boys pulled and hauled corn. they made one load from the lower field. I ground 4½ bushels of corn. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & Nellie* [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] went out hunting chinquepins but with rather poor success. at night a traveler staid all night with us. weather clear and pleasant.  

*This Sam and Nellie are 2nd great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Friday, October 2nd, 1863

To day the boys are at work pulling and hauling corn. they made two loads from the lower field. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] with Jim [James Wrigley Hall] rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and there spent the day. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I ground 26 bushels of corn and 4 bushels of wheat. In the evening Father [Joshua James Hall] & Mother came up with the little woman & children. weather clear and very pleasant.