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Friday, December 31, 2010

Monday, December 31st, 1860

Still in Galveston, and in consequence of the cold which still continues, was unable to transact but little business. I took a few oysters however and at night visited the Theatre, and after which I went to my old friend Archy Ruthven's where I partook of a fine supper, and saw a regular scotch gather, with many fine songs. The meeting was conooked? to drink the old year out & the new one in, but in consequence of my temperence pledge I felt out of place and retired early. 

Thus I close my chronicles of daily events for the year 1860, now past and gone, and God only knows whether I will be permitted to live to keep one for the incoming year. weather very cold but clear.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sunday, December 30th, 1860

To day I am still in Galveston and in consequence of the severe cold & sleet am compelled to keep housed and as close to the stove as possible.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Saturday, December 29th, 1860

This morning I got out of my bunk nearly frozen after passing as I said in yesterday's notes a very disagreeable night. about 10 o'clk. a.m. I saw a steamer coming out of the mouth of the river. it turned out to be the Ruthven. she came along side and the passengers were immediately transfered from the Alice to the Ruthven. my feelings can better be imagined than described it was like passing from a dark and miserable prison to a luxuriant palace. after the transfer was complete the Ruthven weighed anchor and started for Galveston where we arrived about 5 p.m. The wind still blowing from the north like the devil which made it difficult to land. we succeeded however and I took up quarters at the Tremont. weather cloudy & very cold and at night it snowed to the depth of about 3 inches. so much for the sunny South.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Friday, December 28th, 1860

To day I left Liberty on the steamer Alice in company with James Wrigley. when we got to the mouth of the river, and fairly in the bay, the steamer Alice was compelled to drop her anchor in consequence of a severe Norther blowing. the bay being too rough for her to proceed. it was very cold and no stove on board and thus I was compelled to pass a very disagreeable & unpleasant night. To day be it remembered that I have made a pledge not to drink any spiritous liquors for one year should life last so long. weather cloudy very cold, and a perfect hurricane blowing.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Thursday, December 27th, 1860

I am still in Liberty, and still at work in the store marking and arranging goods, with but little business doing in the dry goods line. The Steamer John F. Carr came down from the upper river with 940 bales cotton on board. John T. Smith, Dr. Young, Bridgen & Caruthers came in the store to see me, we passed a pleasant time together. The Carr left for Galveston. weather cool cloudy & rainy.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wednesday, December 26th, 1860

I am still in Liberty, and went to work this morning in the Store, but little business doing. The steamer Swan failed to arrive, and I will be compelled to remain here until next trip. I am passing my time pleasantly however, weather cold cloudy & rainy.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tuesday, December 25th, 1860

I am still in Liberty, and this being Christmas we closed doors and set in for a regular bender. I took my Christmas dinner with my friend James Wrigley, which by the by was a splendid affair, and reflected credit on his amiable wife. There was a feast of reason and a flow of soul, together with a fine flow of champaigne &c &c. Many times I toasted the loved ones at home, and thus passed the day very pleasantly, although it was cold, cloudy and drizzling rain during the entire day.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 24th, 1860

I am still in Liberty and at work in the store, doing but little business. The steamer Swan left for Galveston to day, leaving me behind. I am however passing my time quite pleasantly. weather cool, cloudy & rainy.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sunday, December 23rd, 1860

I am still in Liberty and at work in the store doing but little business. times are very tight, and money scarce, but whiskey bears a premium, although there is plenty of the article in market. weather rather cool, cloudy and occasional showers of rain.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Saturday, December 22nd, 1860

To day I am still in Liberty and still at work in the store, with very little business doing. I am however enjoying myself as well as I can, considering it is on the ides of Christmas, and I so far from the loved ones at home. weather changable & rather cold.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Friday, December 21st, 1860

To day I left Hawkins and rode 12 miles and arrived at Liberty, where I found all well. I stoped with James Wrigley. Sam Sharp* [Samuel Houston Sharp] informed me that his magic watch had been stolen from him a few days before. I went to work in the store, marking and arranging the goods. times dull. weather clear and warm.

 *This Sam Sharp is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thursday, December 20th, 1860

To day I left Drew's in company with Dr. Hunsaker and Mr. Haeff, and after travelling 35 miles over the worst road in Texas, we arrived at Mr. Hawkins' where we stoped for the night. at this place I found a marriage in perspective, with many interesting young ladies in attendance who wiled away the time discoursing sweet music upon the Piano Forte in fact I almost thought myself a boy again so pleasantly did I pass the time, but as all things must have an end so I turned in for the night and had rosy dreams of the future, whether to be realized or not time only can develope. expenses for the day $1.10. weather clear & rather warm.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wednesday, December 19th, 1860

To day I left Sumpter and after travelling 36 miles over a very bad & muddy road I arrived at Drew's cross road, where I haulted for the night. pretty well fatigued from the ride. expenses of the day $1.90. weather clear & warm for the time of the year.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tuesday, December 18th, 1860

To day I left Dailey's and arrived in Sumpter about 11 o'clock and while there received from Messrs. Ballinger & Robb $338. less 10% on a/c of the Adams note. In consequence of a very hard rain I was compelled to remain in Sumpter all night. expenses of the day $3.60. having ridden only 17 miles. weather cloudy rainy and disagreeably cold.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Monday, December 17th, 1860

To day I mounted Hawk and bid adieu to all at home and started for Liberty. I arrived at Crockett about 11 o'clock a.m. and while there settled with Downes, and received from him $100 in cash and his note for $106.14. I then left Crockett and arrived at Dailey's for supper and remained there all night, having traveled 28 miles. weather cloudy and warm, with a drizzling rain. expenses for the day 75 cents for horse shoeing.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sunday, December 16th, 1860

To day I carried the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & Florence down to Mother's [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] in the buggy, where she intends to remain during my visit to Liberty. In the evening John Harwell came down & remained to supper. weather changable & rather warm for the season.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Saturday, December 15th, 1860

To day Tanner came up and got a gallon of whiskey for Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts]. we ground 6½ bushels of meal. weather changable & cold. frost at night.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Friday, December 14th, 1860

To day John & Bill commenced to make a wheel barrow. nothing doing. weather clear & cold with hard freeze at night.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Thursday, December 13th, 1860

To day I brought Maggie, Burta & Florence home in the buggy. Charley Hall left for Crockett and to remain there. I loaned him Sam Sharp's clear & cool.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wednesday, December 12th, 1860

To day I returned home from Crockett, and went down to see the little woman. weather changable & cold.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tuesday, December 11th, 1860

To day Frank Stewart, Alex Baker, Malinda, Laura, Conny & Elisha left in the wagon for Liberty. I went as far as Crockett with them, and saw them safely off. I also remained in Crockett all night. weather clear & cool.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Monday, December 10th, 1860

To day Frank Stewart & Alex Baker came up with the wagon & remained all night. I went to see the little woman at night. weather clear.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sunday, December 9th, 1860

To day I went to Halls Bluff & took Bill with me. Darby, Martin, Albert, Masoline, Joe & Leaverton's George worked on the levy. Weather rainy & warm.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Saturday, December 8th, 1860

To day Charley Hall went to town & returned in the evening, carrying his Mother 1 Bushel of meal. Baker still at Fathers. I went in company with Father to Dailey's & returned to dinner. In the evening I went to see the little woman. weather cloudy & warm with indication of rain.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Friday, December 7th, 1860

To day we started the Mill & ground 3 Bushels of meal having discharged all the hands. In the evening I went to see the little woman. weather changable & warm. Baker went to Fathers in the morning.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Thursday, December 6th, 1860

To day Baker, Charley Hall, Frank Stewart, John Williams, Darby, Masoline, Martin, Albert & Bill worked on the levy. Col. John M. Murchison came to see me. In the evening I went to see the little woman. weather clear & rather warm.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wednesday, December 5th, 1860

To day Baker, Charles Hall, Frank Stewart, John Williams, Darby, Masoline, Martin, Albert, Bill & Joe worked on the levy. Milton Dailey came to see me, & in the evening I went to see the little woman. weather changable & rather warm.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tuesday, December 4th, 1860

To day Baker, Charley Hall, Frank Stewart, John Williams, Brown, (Mrs. Bird's Martin & Emery) Darby, Masoline, Martin, Albert & Bill worked on the levy. In the evening I went to see the little woman. weather clear & cool.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Monday, December 3rd, 1860

To day Baker, Charley Hall, Frank Stewart, Brown, Darby, Masoline, Martin, Albert, Bill, Joe, John Williams, (Martin / Mrs. B.) Daniel & Emory worked on the dam. In the evening I went to see the little woman. weather clear & cool.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sunday, December 2nd 1860

To day Darby, Martin, Masoline, Albert, Joe & Bill worked on the levy, also Frank Stewart & in the evening I went to Mothers & remained all night, weather clear & rather warm.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Saturday, December 1st, 1860

To day I went to Dailey's to attend to the Suit against Taylor & recovered a judgment against him for $10- & costs. Charley Hall, Alex Baker, John Williams, Darby, Masoline, Albert, Joe & Bill with Martin, Daniel & Brown worked on the levy. Father came home with me & remained for dinner. in the evening I went to Mothers & remained all night. weather clear & cool.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Friday, November 30th, 1860

To day John Williams, Brown, Alex. Baker, Charley Hall, Frank Stewart, Darby, Masoline, Albert, Joe & Mrs. Bird's 3 negroes worked on the levy but to little or no good. in the evening I went to Daileys Store. Father came up & remained all day. I recd by Mr. Keen 1 Keg of nails. weather clear & cool. Bill made 1 load from Wortham's Mill, bringing 604 ft.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thursday, November 29th, 1860

To day Darby, Masoline, Albert, Joe & Frank Stewart came to work. Bill made 1 load from Wortham's Mill 560 ft. John Williams came to work about 11 O'clock & Mrs. Bird sent 2 _____ me & Brown after dinner I returned to Mrs. Bird 69 lbs. of beef heretofore borrowed from her. Mr. Brown done no work on this day. In the evening Alex Baker came out. I sent to Fathers by Charley Hall for some nails, who sent me 29 lbs. I also killed one hog & recd. one half of a beef. weather clear & cool.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wednesday, November 28th, 1860

To day about 10 o'clock a.m. Father sent me Darby, Masoline, Albert & Joe also 3 yoke of oxen.- Frank Stewart & Masoline left after dinner to kill a beef. Bill made a load from the Mill 300 ft. I took My wife & Florence to her Mother's in the evening. weather clear & cool.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tuesday, November 27th, 1860

To day I went to Fathers to procure some hands to assist in fixing the dam. John Harwell went to Wortham's Mill for lumber to repair the Mill. weather rainy & disagreeable.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Monday, November 26th, 1860

To day John WILLIAMS came over, and in consequence of the rain & high water was compelled to remain all night. The levee of the mill gave way & a rent in dam was made about 26 feet wide. weather cool with hard rain all day, stopping any kind of business.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sunday, November 25th, 1860

To day I went to Hall's bluff in company with Mr. LUND & saw him safely across the river. I stoped and took dinner at Mothers. weather cloudy & cool with occasional showers of rain. Toby came home with me.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Saturday, November 24th, 1860

To day I (went) ducking with Mr. Lund and walked down to Mother's where we took dinner. The mill ground 39 bushels of corn. weather clear but cold.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Friday, November 23rd, 1860

To day Charles LUND of Liberty came to see me. we went to Fathers. no business done in consequence of the rain. at night the wind came out of the north and we had ice & a hard freeze.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thursday, November 22nd, 1860

To day it rained the entire time & was very disagreeable so much as that no out doors business could be done.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wednesday, November 21st, 1860

To day Mother came up to see Florence who is now much better. John Harwell killed 2 ducks. weather cloudy & cool.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tuesday, November 20th, 1860

To day John Williams helped us to dress the Mill rocks. we ground 6 bushels of corn. Mother & Father came to see me, & also went to Mrs. Birds. weather cloudy & cool. wind from the North.  

Friday, November 19, 2010

Monday, November 19th, 1860

To day John HARWELL went to Crockett & returned at night. Charley HALL staid all night with me. we ground 19 bushels of corn. weather changable & warm.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sunday, November 18th, 1860

To day I sent Bill for the wagon. I got from Father one beef hide, weighing on our balances 30 lbs. even but by his steelyard 31¼ lbs. Mother & Father both came up to see Florence & the little woman. weather clear & warm.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Saturday, November 17th, 1860

To day Mother came up & remained all night after going home in the morning. we ground 14 bushels of corn. Florence is still sick. weather clear & warm.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Friday, November 16th, 1860

To day Mother & Father came up to see the little woman. Mother remained all night attending to Florence who is still sick. we ground 12 bushels of meal ten of them after night. weather clear & warm.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thursday, November 15th, 1860

To day Mother & Father came up. we ground 15 bushels of meal. weather clear & warm in the day, rather cool at night.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Wednesday, November 14th, 1860

To day Mother & Mrs. Bird came to see the little woman & Florence, who is still sick. we ground 17½ bushels of meal. weather changable & rather cool.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tuesday, November 13th, 1860

To day I went with Billy Stewart down to Fathers & Mothers and Mrs. Peacock came to see Florence who is still sick & remained all night. weather changable & very warm with a hard [freeze?] at night.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Monday, November 12th, 1860

To day Billy Stewart came out & staid all night with me. at night Florence was taken with a fever. The little woman set up with the little one. weather changable & warm.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sunday, November 11th, 1860

To day Bill Hicks killed 2 geese & 2 ducks. Frank Stewart came up. weather clear & warm.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saturday, November 10th, 1860

To day I went to Crockett and had the old place offered for sale. I also went to Wortham's Mill. weather clear & warm for the season.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Friday, November 9th, 1860

To day Tanner came up & I settled with him in full & then let him have 1 bushel of meal. weather clear & cool.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thursday, November 8th, 1860

To day Mother came up. I walked down to Fathers ducking & killed 5 ducks. weather cloudy & showery & rather cold.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wednesday, November 7th, 1860

To day it rained hard throughout making it the most unpleasant day I have witnessed for a long time. nothing to record.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tuesday, November 6th, 1860

To day John Harwell went to Crockett. I went to the election at the Elk Hart box, where 45 votes were cast out of which Breckenridge & Lane 41 and Bell & Everett 4. Father & Frank Stewart came home with me & remained to supper. weather cloudy & light showers of rain.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Monday, November 5th, 1860

To day John went ducking. Bill at work on the yokes & bows. weather cloudy with every prospect of rain.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sunday, November 4th, 1860

To day Frank Stewart returned from Crockett with my buggy & mules. Bill hauled wood. weather clear & rather warm.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Saturday, November 3rd, 1860

To day I sent Billy & Frank Stewart to town in my buggy. Wm. Lacy & Mr. Cunningham came to see me & took dinner. weather clear & warm.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Friday, November 2nd, 1860

To day Billy Stewart & I went ducking & went down the Elk Hart as far as Father's having killed only 2 ducks. Mother came up & Billy Stewart & I came home in the cart. he was taken very sick. at night John Harwell returned home having met with no success. In the evening Frank Stewart & I succeeded in killing 2 wild geese. weather clear & rather warm. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thursday, November 1st, 1860

To day Billy Stewart & I went ducking and only killed 4 ducks. weather changable & cold.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, October 31st, 1860

To day Sam Sharp left Crockett in the Stage for Liberty. Billy Stewart & I came home in the buggy, and Mother left for home. Bill Hicks still at work on the yokes. weather cloudy & rather cool. 

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tuesday, October 30th, 1860

To day John Harwell left on Hawk in search of Mustapha. Sam Sharp* & I went to Crockett in the buggy. Mother** came up & remained all night with the little woman. weather cloudy & a very hard rain at night.

*Samuel Houston Sharp, my 2nd great-grandpa
**Mahala Lee Sharp Hall nee Roberts, my 3rd great-grandma

Friday, October 29, 2010

Monday, October 29th, 1860

To day Mother* & Mrs. Bird came to see the little woman and Wm. B. Lacy also visited us. We went ducking with but little success. Nothing of note to record. weather changable & warm.

 *Mahala Lee Sharp Hall nee Roberts, my 3rd great-grandma

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sunday, October 28th, 1860

To day Father, Mother* & Roberta came up and Sam Sharp** went home with Mother. Bill hauled wood and made 2 loads. Father named the little responsibility as follows. Florence Mahala Hall. Weather warm & Cloudy with every prospect of rain.

*Mahala Lee Sharp Hall nee Roberts, my 3rd great-grandma
**Samuel Houston Sharp, my 2nd great-grandpa

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Saturday, October 27th, 1860

To day Sam Sharp and I went ducking, and killed 4 ducks. Mother & Roberta came up and spent the day. John Harwell has entirely recovered. Bill at work at the yokes. weather cloudy & occasional showers of rain.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 26th, 1860

To day I sent Albert to pull hay, & put Bill to making yokes. I kill another fine duck. Ground 8½ Bushels of meal. I let Tanner have 1 Bushel of meal. Sam Sharp arrived home, and I went with him to see Mother. Harwell getting better. weather cloudy & light sprinkles of rain.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thursday, October 25th, 1860

To day Mother & Roberta came up to see the little woman and Roberta was taken with the chills. John Harwell is still sick. Bill & Albert went after timber for the yokes. I ground 4½ Bushels meal. weather clear & warm.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wednesday, October 24th, 1860

To day John Harwell is still sick. I sent the boys after 2 wild steers but without success. In consequence of the sickness of John Harwell I was compelled to attend the mill and ground 4 bushels of corn. I also kill one duck which is the first this season. weather clear & very warm for this time of the year.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tuesday, October 23rd, 1860

To day I sent Bill to get some timber to make ox yokes. John Harwell & myself finished the Garden screen. John Harwell was taken sick in the evening with chills. weather clear & warm.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Monday, October 22nd, 1860

To day I surveyed for J.A. Williams on a/c of W.H. Beazley 40 acres of land out of Sec. 19. Still at work on the garden screen. weather clear & warm.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sunday, October 21st, 1860

To day John Harwell went to church. Mother & Father came up to see the little woman & new edition. They returned in the evening. weather clear & warm in the day. cool towards night and considerable frost.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Saturday, October 20th, 1860.

To day Mrs. Bird, Mrs. Leaverton, Father and the 2 children came to see the little woman and the new responsibility. all remained to dinner, after which they all went home & Rachael came to to nurse the little woman. Still at work on the garden screen. weather clear & warm in the day but cold at night with a hard frost.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Friday October 19th, 1860

To day the little woman after much difficulty, tribulation and vexation was delivered of a female child at 7 o'clock a.m. weighing 10½ lbs. there being present Mother, Mrs. Bird & myself, assisted by Rachael & Louisa. hands still at work on the garden screen. Mr. McDaniel & Jo Wright came to see me, and participated in a social glass, the toast being the new "responsibility." Mother remained all night and the rest left for home. weather clear, but rather cool with a frost at night.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Thursday, October 18th, 1860

To day we are still at work on the garden screen. Mother came up and carried Roberta home, who had been staying with us for some time. Albert brought all the gears home. weather clear & warm.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wednesday, October 17th, 1860

To day I commenced to build a garden screen. Albert went for the wagon & hauled one load of shingles & returned the oxen to the field. weather clear & rather warm.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tuesday, October 16th, 1860

To day we finished the carriage house. I sent Albert to Crockett to mail some letters, who returned in the evening. on yesterday Mr. Tanner took dinner with me, and I let him have 1½ Bushels of corn. weather clear & cool.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Monday, October 15th, 1860

Still at work on the carriage house. The little woman went to see her Mother. weather clear & pleasant. at night cool with a frost.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sunday, October 14th, 1860

To day Mother & Mrs. Bird came & spent the day with us & returned home in the evening. weather clear & cool with a light frost at night.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Saturday, October 13th, 1860

To day I went to Dr. Abner G. King's and surveyed for him 110 acres of land out of the Sam Chairs headright & wrote for him the deed for the same, which was executed by Joseph Keen. Boys at work on the carriage house. weather clear, but strong wind from the North and very cool, with a frost at night which is the first of the season.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Friday, October 12th, 1860

To day Dr. Abner G. King came to see me in relation to surveying some land for him. I sent the boys to work on the road. Father came up in the evening. weather clear & pleasant.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thursday, October 11th, 1860

Still at work on the carriage house and finished covering it in. weather clear & pleasant.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wednesday, October 10th, 1860

Still at work on the carriage house. nothing to record of any note. weather clear but rather cool.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tuesday, October 9th, 1860

Still at work on the carriage house. I sent Albert down to pick cotton. weather cloudy with occasional showers of rain.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Monday, October 8th, 1860

To day we raised the carriage house and commenced to weatherboard it in. weather cloudy & cool with North wind blowing.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunday, October 7th, 1860

To day the little woman went down to see her Mother & ? Harwell went to church. I remained home. weather clear & warm.

FYI . . . this date in 1860 was the little woman's 20th birthday . . . guess she decided to celebrate with her Mother . . . Margaret Annot Hall Stewart nee Sharp was born on this date in 1840 in San Augustine County, Texas . . . the date of her death is unknown at this time . . . her findagrave page is >HERE< . . .

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Saturday, October 6th, 1860

To day I laid off the frame for the carriage house and put Bill to framing. I went to Crockett & back, and at night I discharged Darby and sent him home. weather clear but rather cool.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Friday, October 5th, 1860

To day Mother came up to see the little woman. I put the boys to bringing lumber to build the carriage house with. weather clear & warm.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thursday, October 4th, 1860

To day I made the boys haul the timber home to build the carriage house with. nothing of note to jot down. weather cloudy & wind from the north.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wednesday, October 3rd, 1860

To day I went down to see Mother. Put the boys to getting timbers to build a carriage house. weather changable & warm.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tuesday, October 2nd, 1860

To day we left Dailey's and rode through a hard rain & arrived at Crockett for dinner, and after dinner I drove home making 26 miles travelled. at home I found the little woman well, and things moving on ? expenses of day $1.00.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Monday, October 1st, 1860

To day we left Collito and rode through a hard rain the entire day passing through Sumpter and stopping at Dailey's making the drive 29 miles. current expenses of the day $3.50.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sunday, September 30th, 1860

To day I left Brown's and arrived at Carr's about 10 a.m. there I found Geo. Numsen who had been waiting for me for one week. thence we proceeded on to Livingston & thence to Colleto, where we stoped for the night, having ridden 36 miles, and it raining hard the entire day. expenses in getting my mules 45$ which I this day paid and the current expenses of the day $6.50.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Saturday, September 29th, 1860

To day I left Liberty in my buggy for home & drove 32 miles to Brown's & stoped for the night. expenses $2.50. weather cloudy & warm.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Friday, September 28th, 1860

To day I remained in Liberty, James Wrigley having arrived this morning from N. York. expenses 2$. weather changable & warm.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Thursday, September 27th, 1860

To day we set out early in search of the mule and after riding 10 miles found the aforesaid mule at Mr. Brown's. We then returned to Liberty after having ridden 45 miles, and all day through a hard & disagreeable rain. expenses $7.50.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wednesday, September 26th, 1860

To day I received one of my mules, Mr. Numsen having over taken them at Livingston attempted to bring them back and after getting them as far as Smithfield, entrusted them to a negro boy, who let one get away from him. So consequently I was compelled to mount the other and go in quest of the lost and missing one. Therefore Benj. Wrigley & myself set out this morning & went as far as Grand Cane, where we stoped for the night. expenses $3.50. weather cloudy & warm.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sunday, September 23rd, 1860

To day we arrived at Liberty at 7 a.m. and there found that my mules had gotten out and run off for home leaving me a foot. I started Geo. Numsen after them in the stage, and was compelled to remain in Liberty until Wednesday. weather during the time changable & warm.

FYI . . . nothing further is written in the Journal until the 26th . . .

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Saturday, September 22nd, 1860

To day we left Galveston on the Steamer Swan and had a pleasant trip on the bay & up the river. expenses $5. weather changable & warm.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Friday, September 21st, 1860

To day we were compelled to lay over in Galveston in consequence of an accident occurring to the Steamer Swan. expenses $3.50. weather clear & warm.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Thursday, September 20th, 1860

To day we arrived in Galveston at 5 a.m. and put up at the Tremont. expenses of the day $3.50. weather clear & a little cool.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wednesday, September 19th, 1860

To day I examined the records of the County Clerks office & also settled with Messrs. Henry Sampson etc. on behalf of Messrs. Numsen Thomas etc. and took their note at 6 mos. for $594.00 and left on the Steamer Bayou City at 5 P.M. for Galveston. expenses of the day $6.50. weather clear & a little cool with light North wind.

The Explosion of the Steamer Bayou City. - Front Page - - October 10th, 1860. . . . . . . WASHINGTON, Friday, Oct. 5. The New-Orleans Picayune of the 2d reports the explosion of the steamer Bayou City, running regularly between Galveston and Houston, near Lynchburgh, with a fearful loss of life. The total number killed and wounded is unknown. Those known to be killed principally belong to the boat and were negroes. There was a large list of passengers. As far as known the explosion was caused by incrustation by salt water on the boilers.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tuesday, September 18th, 1860

To day at 6 a.m. we arrived at Galveston and stoped at the Tremont Hotel and left at 3½ P.M. on the cars and arrived at Houston at 8 P.M. we stoped at the Fannin house. expenses of the day $4.50. weather clear & warm.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Monday, September 17th, 1860

To day Mr. Numson & I left on the Steamer Swan for Galveston and had a pleasant trip down the river & across the bay. expenses $5.50. weather clear & warm.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sunday, September 16th, 1860

To day I remained at Liberty. no incident particularly to record. weather changable and warm.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Saturday, September 15th, 1860

To day we left Brownwood and followed the track of the rail road and arrived at Liberty at 8 P.M. after having ridden 44 miles through the hardest rain I think I ever experienced becoming well soaked. expenses of the day $2.25.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friday, September 14th, 1860

To day we left Hardin, and after riding 18 miles we ? at the ferry over Pine Island bayou. Thence 9 miles to Beaumont. While there I examined the records touching several land claims. expenses of the day $3.10. weather warm & changable.

According to W. T. Block . . . There were three ferries at early day Beaumont, Tevis Ferry at the townsite of Beaumont, William Ashworth's ferry at Santa Ana, about three miles to the south, and Pine Bluff Ferry (later Collier's), five miles to the north. The latter was the preferable crossing point because of the high land there on both sides of the river. In 1842, Pine Bluff was allowed 3 cents each for swimming cattle, horses, mules, or hogs. Between 1846 and 1848, the crossing fee was still 3 cents per head at Nancy Tevis Hutchinson's ferry at Beaumont and at John Sparks' ferry over Taylor's Bayou. However, the crossing fee at Amos Thames' ferry over Pine Island Bayou in 1846 was only 2 cents a head. . . .

After Jefferson County became a political entity, many pioneers sought to establish ferries, which meant a guaranteed income. Soon John Sparks operated the ferry across Taylor’s Bayou on the dirt road to Sabine Pass. James Chessher owned the ferry across Pine Island Bayou on the dirt road to Woodville, and Brown’s ferry crossed Village Creek.

Many of the earliest county records are ferry licenses, including the requirements of ferry operators. During the 1830s Richard Ballew owned the ferry across Sabine River, several miles north of Orange, and W. C. Beard and William Ashworth owned the Santa Ana ferry (at Mobil refinery). Each was permitted to charge “short ferriage” or “long ferriage” rates. “Long ferriage” at Santa Ana meant traveling 2 miles to high land up Beard’s Bayou. “Long ferriage” at Ballew’s was a 4-mile voyage up the old Sabine River channel to Niblett’s Bluff.

In 1847 the Santa Ana ferry franchise was revoked and passed to Nancy Hutchinson. After Ballew died about 1840, his ferry franchise passed to Ursin Guidry.

During the 1830’s Henry Millard operated the “Pine Bluff” ferry about 3 miles north of Beaumont. After Millard moved to Galveston, his ferry franchise was transferred to John and Person Collier.

The early ferries were allowed to charge a specified fee for a horse and rider, a buggy or wagon, and 2 cents for each head of cattle crossed. Ordained ministers crossed free of charge. Often ferrymen were required to provide food, lodging, and cattle pens, and some ferries were licensed to sell liquor. Each ferryman paid a percentage of his receipts as a county tax. . . .

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thursday, September 13th, 1860

To day we left Sour Lake and rode 15 miles to Hardin while there I examined the records in relation to Mr. Numsen's land claims. expenses of the day $2.40. weather clear & warm.

Texas Day by Day . . . Abolitionist minister lynched in Fort Worth . . . On this day in 1860, abolitionist Methodist minister Anthony Bewley was lynched in Fort Worth. Bewley, born in Tennessee in 1804, had established a mission sixteen miles south of Fort Worth by 1858. When vigilance committees alleged in the summer of 1860 that there was a widespread abolitionist plot to burn Texas towns and murder their citizens, suspicion immediately fell upon Bewley and other outspoken critics of slavery. Special attention was focused on Bewley because of an incendiary letter, dated July 3, 1860, addressed to a Rev. William Bewley and supposedly written by a fellow abolitionist. Many argued that the letter, which urged Bewley to continue with his work in helping to free Texas from slavery, was a forgery. The letter was widely published, however, and taken by others as evidence of Bewley's involvement with the John Brownites in Texas. Recognizing the danger, Bewley left for Kansas in mid-July with part of his family. A Texas posse caught up with him near Cassville, Missouri, and returned him to Fort Worth on September 13. Late that night vigilantes seized Bewley and delivered him into the hands of a waiting lynch mob. His body was allowed to hang until the next day, when he was buried in a shallow grave. Three weeks later his bones were unearthed, stripped of their remaining flesh, and placed on top of Ephraim Daggett's storehouse, where children made a habit of playing with them.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wednesday, September 12th, 1860

To day I left Liberty on the John mule in company with Geo. Numsun & after riding 31 miles we arrived at Sour Lake. expenses $3.35. weather clear & warm. the ride to say the least of it was very unpleasant.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tuesday, September 11th, 1860

To day I left the hotel and carried the buggy & mules to James Wrigley's & Sam Sharp went down to the ware house. expenses at the hotel $1.75. weather clear & very warm.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Monday, September 10th, 1860

To day we left Grand Cane and arrived at Liberty & stoped at the City hotel. expenses of day $4.00. weather clear & warm.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sunday, September 9th, 1860

To day we left Livingston and after traveling over a bad road 32 miles we arrived at Grand Cane. expenses $4.50. weather clear & warm.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Saturday, September 8th, 1860

To day we left Sumpter and after traveling over a very bad and muddy road for 24 miles we arrived at Livingston & stoped at Andress Hotel. expenses of the day $4.50. weather clear & very warm.

Livingston, Texas Hotels. The first hotels in the county were located at Swartwout and Drew's Landing, and the Andress Hotel in Livingston had the distinction of being the third. It was established around 1848, and was a combination restaurant, saloon, grocery store, livery stable, bank, post office, stage station, and frequently the only office for the town's businessmen. James Andress built his hotel south of the present courthouse, where Pedigo's Furniture Store is now located. It was a center of bustling activity for many years, and Sam Houston attended dances there. The hotel records for the years 1851-1856 are available today.

Andress Inn customers, August 1851: Wm. Fields, Charley Cleveland, Arthur P. Garner, Wm. Agee, John Perrins, John P. Kale, Samuel Rowe, K.B. DeWalt, James H. McCardell, M. Darby, J. W. Knight, Oliver Garner, D.D. Moore, Robert Williamson, James Hickman, John H. Jones, John Victory, Wm. L. Gates. J. L. Neyland, Wiley I. Peace, John English, Wiley Harper, Alex Weathers, W. H. Gee, G. W. Nelson, W. L. Knight, Elby Curtis, J. M. Williams, John Culp, Jackson Long, Enoch Jones, Jack Jones, E. T. Wingate, Isaac Williams, W. H. Carter, James Butler, E. A. Burrell, Col. Buckner.

The story of the old Keys Hotel as told by Mrs. W. T. Epperson (from POLK COUNTY ENTERPRISE, October 13, 1938) "It was in the year of 1860 when I was a child of four years, we arrived at the Andress' Inn by way of stage coach. The Inn, situated on the south side of the present courthouse of Polk County, was the only hostelry in town.

"It consisted of two large rooms and a hall downstairs, two rooms upstairs, and a kitchen out in the back yard. Here the meals were prepared on A huge fireplace. The large dinner bell that could be heard all over the town, is now owned by the Masonic Lodge of Livingston.

"The bedsteads for the guests were hand carved and laced together with ropes that served as springs. Sills of the Inn were hand hewed logs about 12 x 12. As the county prospered, a new courthouse was built and the old courthouse of one large room was purchased by Mr. Andress. This he attached to the Inn and used it as a dining room. In this room square dances were enjoyed.

"The passing of Mr. and Mrs. Andress left the Inn to their only heir and daughter, Mrs. H. C. Keys, who as proprietress, added several rooms and discarded the kitchen in the yard for a "modern" attached kitchen with a cook stove.

"The name of the house was then known as the Keys Hotel. In later years, Mrs. Epperson, granddaughter-in-law of Mrs. Keys, took charge of the hotel and remained its proprietress until 1907, when the property was sold for building purposes."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Friday, September 7th, 1860

To day we left Crockett with George F. Numson in Company and arrived at Sumpter at 7 P.M. & stoped at the Eureka Hotel. expenses 4$ weather cloudy & drizzling rain.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Thursday, September 6th, 1860

To day Sam Sharp & myself left home together in the buggy for Liberty & arrived in Crockett at 1 P.M. were [sic] we remained the balance of the day to have the mules shod. expenses of day $4.50 weather clear & warm.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18th, 1860

The Keeper of the Journal -- James Madison Hall (1819-1866) -- is taking a break from writing of the daily happenings in his life . . . he will take up his pen again in a few weeks . . . on the 6th day of September . . . in 1860 . . . but in the meantime, elsewhere in Texas on this date . . . the 18th day of August . . .

ALAMO EXPRESS [San Antonio, TX], August 18, 1860, p. 2, c. 1. To the Reading Public. — For many reasons we consider good, we present to you the Alamo Express for your inspection and, we hope, approval. We commence this little enterprise under almost the same auspices we did the present Herald of our city some five years ago. In this connection we would say, that the Herald has fallen into speculating hands, has deserted the ways of righteousness and political honesty, and turned down the broad road of political sin. It has turned a complete flip flop into the extreme little end of democracy.

Politically, we are in favor of an opposition to secession and disunion whether headed by Lincoln or Breckinridge. We are for the "Constitution, the Union and the enforcement of the laws," a platform broad enough to hold every American citizen within the borders of our great Republic.

Aside from politics we will advocate everything we think will benefit our State, county and city; education, internal improvements, &c.

We start the "Express" because we believe another paper is needed in this city and surrounding country.

Because there is a sentiment in the country, of no mean pretensions, which we sympathise with, that needs an expression — a medium — the Conservative Union sentiment.

And lastly, because we are a practical printer. It is our legitimate business and we consider we have a right to set up in the community; as much so as any other tradesman.

BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, August 18, 1860, p. 2, c. 4. Letter from Dallas. [Special Correspondence of the Telegraph.] Dallas, July 25. Ed. Telegraph.—Three negro men, the leaders in the insurrectionary plot, were executed at this place last Tuesday evening. One of them, Pat. Jennings, was the man who applied the torch to the town of Dallas, and one of the most prominent of those who were engaged in the work. Sam. Smith, another and a preacher, was a hardened old scoundrel, and the third — old Cato — has always borne a bad character in this county. They were taken out of jail, escorted to the place of execution by the military, and, in the presence of a large concourse of people, expiated their crimes as justice demanded. They betrayed no discomposure in view of the awful fate before them. Pat positively refused to say anything, and died with as much indifference as if he had been about his ordinary occupation. With unparalleled nonchalance, he retained his chew of tobacco in his mouth, and died with it there. They hung about twenty minutes, Pat dying very hard, and the other two without a struggle — the former by asphyxia and the two latter by dislocation of the cervical vertebrae.

This is a fearful warning to the rest, who yet may share the same fate. In Waxahachie, many important developments have been made, and a large amount of poison found in the possession of negroes. The whole affair will have the most important results. The dangerous sentiments entertained by some people will be shown up in their naked deformity, stripped of all adventitious coloring. Men in high places will find a practical interpretation of their political dogmas in the view taken of them by deluded negroes. The plot to devastate northern Texas is dated from a certain time, and based upon facts calculated to mislead a people no better informed than our negro population. The danger of suffering negroes to go out to celebrations, to hear political speeches and to hold meetings of their own, is rendered apparent by the developments connected with this matter. We have learned a lesson, and will profit by it.

BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, August 18, 1860, p. 3, c. 1. We hear by Ed Tucker who is just from Houston, that it is reported there that the towns of Tyler and McKinney have been burnt up.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tuesday, August 14th, 1860

To day I arrived at home after an absence of past 6 weeks and found all well, but the little woman down at her Mothers on a visit. weather clear & warm. I remained at home resting myself and getting every thing to rights until Sept. 6th, 1860 at which time I again take up this Journal.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Monday, August 13th, 1860

After travelling all night in the stage, I arrived at Colleto for breakfast, to Sumpter for dinner & to Crockett for supper. expenses of the day $2. weather clear & pleasant.

On this date . . . the 13th day of August . . . in the year 1822 . . . J.M. Hall's good friend, Colonel James Wrigley, is born in New York . . . wonder if Hall remembered / knew to tell him Happy Birthday when he saw him!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sunday, August 12th, 1860

I arrived at Liberty to day at 7 O'Clock A.M. and left on the stage at 8 A.M. stopped at Grand Cane for dinner and at Carr's for supper. arrived at Livingston at 12 P.M. expenses $18.00. weather warm clear & dusty.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Saturday, August 11th, 1860

To day I arrived at the wharf of Galveston at 6 a.m. and stoped at the Tremont Hotel, and left Galveston at 3 P.M. on the Steamer ?. expenses of the day $6.50. weather clear & warm.

YAZOO DEMOCRAT [Yazoo City, MS], August 11, 1860, p. 2, c. 5. The Incendiary Outrages in Texas. -- The Houston True Southern, of the 28th ult., has the following paragraph on this subject: Just as we are going to press, news has arrived here from a reliable source that 22 negroes have been arrested and are to be hung in Waxahatchie to-day.

Our fellow-citizen, Mr. H. L. Cotton, informs us that a letter was received by Thursday's mail, by his niece in this place, from Mrs. Bennett, of Austin, giving an account of a fearful attempt made about the 22d inst., to reduce our capitol to a heap of ashes. The daring experiment was made to set fire to some twenty-five of the principal edifices of the city; fortunately, however, the flames were discovered and extinguished before any serious damage had been sustained. On the night previous, the Austin correspondent to whom we are indebted for the intelligence we are recording, had been keeping vigils over the sick bed of a friend, when she observed a sheet of flame bursting from a neighboring house, which, in consequence of timely warning, the citizens were enable to arrest and save the building from impending ruin.

At present, says Mrs. Bennett, the whole population of the metropolis are under arms, and laboring under the most intense excitement. A police force, consisting of from sixty to ninety men, maintaining the strictest system of vigilance, by night and by day.

In all the counties visited lately by fires, committees to investigate the subject have been appointed, and the most efficient citizen patrols have been established. In Grimes county a meeting of citizens resolved: That there is among the negroes in the county a disposition to revolt and be insubordinate; that this feeling is produced by the influence of certain white persons in the county; that it is time steps be taken to rid the community of these men; that preaching to the negroes in the county be stopped, at least for one year; that Northerners coming into the county under pretence of being ministers, teachers, drummers, &c., are to be regarded with suspicion and received with caution; that a vigilance committee be appointed, patrols organized, and other measures for safety be taken.

A couple of suspicious strangers from Kansas are recollected as having been seen in Dallas two days before the fire, and a day or two afterward. They are thought to have had some agency in the work of destruction.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friday, August 10th, 1860

To day we arrived off Galveston but so late that we could not cross the bar & were compelled to remain on the Steamship all night. weather clear & warm.

County Map Of Texas. 29. (with) inset map of Galveston Bay, and Vicinity. Entered 1860, by S. Augustus Mitchell, Jr. This historical cartographic image is part of the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thursday, August 9th, 1860

To day I left New Orleans on the Steamship Charles Morgan and had a pleasant run on the gulf which was smooth & beautiful. expenses of day $15 for my passage to Galveston and $3.75 Hotel bill. weather clear and very pleasant.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wednesday, August 8th, 1860

After running all night I arrived at Canton Miss. for breakfast, changed cars and to Magnolia for dinner, and to New Orleans at 9 P.M. for supper. put up at the St. Charles [see image on the left]. expenses of the day $1.70. weather warm, cloudy and occasionally showers of rain.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tuesday, August 7th, 1860

After running all night we arrived at Huntsville for breakfast and to the Grand Junction at 10 P.M. expenses of day $1.60. weather warm & clear.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Monday, August 6th, 1860

To day I left Lynchburg Va. at 6 A.M. by the cars and at night arrived at Bristol for supper then changed cars for the night run. expenses of the day $1.70. weather warm & cloudy.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sunday, August 5th, 1860

To day I left Washington City by the ferry boat for Alexandria, and at Alexandria I took the cars and arrived at Lynchburg Pa. about 6 O'Clock P.M. here we failed to connect with cars and were compelled to remain over all night. expenses $1.50. weather cloudy & rainy all day.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Saturday, August 4th, 1860

Today I purchased a through ticket to New Orleans for which I paid $48-- and left Baltimore at 10 O'clock A.M. and arrived at Washington City at 11½ O'Clock & put up at the U.S. Hotel. expenses at Baltimore $16.50. weather clear & warm.

On this date . . . the 4th day of August . . . in the year 1860 . . . while J.M. Hall and his father, Joshua James Hall, are en route back home to Houston County, Texas from New York City . . . W.E. Moore, Asst. Marshal in Houston County, Texas enumerated the following Hall household at their Elkhart residence . . .

YAZOO DEMOCRAT [Yazoo City, MS], August 4, 1860, p. 1, c. 3. The Crocket (Texas) Argus says: that "during the last term of the District Court of Grimes County, eighteen free negroes went into voluntary servitude to different persons in the vicinity of Anderson. Two families to Wm. Berryman, two men to Angus Passmore, and one man to Robert McIntyre, two families to James W. Barnes, and one woman to John R. Kenard.

BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, August 4, 1860, p. 2, c. 6. The Abolition Plot in Texas. We extract the following from a letter to the Houston Telegraph, from Dallas, giving further particulars of the extensive Abolition plot discovered there a few days ago:

The outhouses, granaries, oats and grain of Mr. Crill Miller, were destroyed a few days after the destruction of Dallas. This led to the arrest of some white men, whose innocence, however, was proved beyond a doubt. Several negroes belonging to Mr. Miller, were taken up and examined, and developments of the most startling character elicited. A plot to destroy the country was revealed, and every circumstance even to the minutiae, detailed. Nearly or quite a hundred negroes have been arrested, and upon a close examination, separate and apart from each other, they deposed to the existence of a plot or conspiracy to lay waste the country by fire and assassination — to impoverish the land by the destruction of the provisions, arms and ammunition, and then when in a state of helplessness, a general revolt of the negroes was to begin on the first Monday in August, the day of election for the State officers. This conspiracy is aided and abetted by abolition emissaries from the North, and by those in our midst.

The details of the plot and its modus operandi, are these: each county in Northern Texas has a supervisor in the person of a white man, whose name is not given; each county is laid off into districts under the sub-agents of this villain, who control the action of the negroes in the districts, by whom the firing was to be done. Many of our most prominent citizens were singled out for assassination whenever they made their escape from their burning homes. Negroes never before suspected, are implicated, and the insurrectionary movement is widespread to an extent truly alarming. In some places the plan was conceived in every form shocking to the mind, and frightful in its results. Poisoning was to be added, the old females to be slaughtered along with the men, and the young and handsome women to be parceled out amongst these infamous scoundrels. They had even gone so far as to designate their choice, and certain ladies had already been selected as the victims of those misguided monsters.

Fortunately, the country has been saved from the accomplishment of these horrors; but then, a fearful duty remains for us. The negroes have been incited to these infernal proceedings by abolitionists, and the emissaries of certain preachers who were expelled from this county last year. Their agents have been busy amongst us, and many of them have been in our midst. Some of them have been identified, but have fled from the country; others still remain, to receive a fearful accountability from an outraged and infuriated people. Nearly a hundred negroes have testified that a large reinforcement of abolitionists are expected on the first of August, and these to be aided by recruits from the Indian tribes, while the Rangers are several hundred miles to the North of us. It was desired to destroy Dallas, in order that the arms and ammunition of the artillery company might share the same fate.

Our jail is filled with the villains, many of whom will be hung and that very soon. A man was found hung at our neighboring city of Fort Worth, two days ago, believed to be one of those scoundrels who are engaged in this work. We learn that he had stored away a number of rifles, and the day after he was hung a load of six-shooters passed on to him, but were intercepted. He was betrayed by one of the gang, and hence his plans were thwarted. Many others will share his fate.

I have never witnessed such times. We are most profoundly excited. We go armed day and night, and know not what we shall be called upon to do.

YAZOO DEMOCRAT [Yazoo City, MS], August 4, 1860, p. 2, c. 3. The Abolition Plot in Texas. . . . The Galveston News of the 28th furnishes further particulars, as follows: We learn from a gentleman, a resident of Ellis county, who left Waxahatchie on Monday last, and arrived this morning, some further details of the results of the discovery of the diabolical abolition plot, that was to sweep over Northern Texas with the incendiary's torch and murderer's weapon.

In Dallas and Ellis counties, committees, composed of the coolest, steadiest and most respectable citizens, were appointed, and were at work all last week investigating the whole affair. No one but those immediately interested knows who compose the committees, nor where or when they meet, or what they are doing. Their chief object is to ascertain what whites are at the bottom of the plot. No one else interferes in the investigation.

In Ellis, the County Court has organized patrols on an extensive and well managed system.

The negroes' confessions — made apart and at great distances — concur in the leading points; and all ever [sic] white men originated the plot and directed their movements.

They promised the negroes their liberty and their masters' goods, etc., and to lead them to Kansas; the negroes were told also that the next President would be a Northern man, who would free them all.

The negroes concerned in Ellis county were principally of mature age and those allowed by their owners a good deal of liberty. The young ones were not allowed to participate in the plot, and many were not trusted with the secret at all. Their idea was to burn all the stores where arms and ammunition were kept; and on election day—the 6th August, when the citizens were away from their farms and houses—the negroes were to rise, seize on all arms, and, headed by their white leaders, to attack the houses here and there, murder defenseless women, burn and destroy, and finally, it is presumed, march off in a body towards Kansas.

Waxahatchie was to have been set fire to on the 8th — the same day Dallas and so many other places were fired; but an accidental fire in the town, that day, aroused the citizens, and the negro appointed to the deed became alarmed, and left. He was to have returned and repeated the attempt last Sunday, had not the plot been discovered.

Note from Keeper of the Blog . . . I currently live in Ellis County, Texas . . . 10 miles from Waxahachie . . . both of which are mentioned in these news reports . . .

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Friday, August 3rd, 1860

To day I remained in Baltimore attending to some small purchases. I visited the residence of Mr. John Numson and took dinner with the family. expenses of the day $1.50. weather warm & clear.

On this date . . . the 3rd day of August . . . in the year 1860 . . . while J.J. Hall and his son, James Madison Hall, are en route back home to Houston County, Texas from New York City . . . W.E. Moore, Asst. Marshal in Houston County, Texas enumerated the following Hall household at their Elkhart residence . . .

Monday, August 2, 2010

Thursay, August 2nd, 1860

Thursday, August 2nd, 1860. To day at 6 O'Clock A.M. I left the City of New York on the steamer Richard Stock in route for home and arrived at South Amboy at 9 O'Clock A.M. There I took the cars and arrived in Philadelphia at 12 O'clock ? for dinner. Thence on to the City of Baltimore, and put up at Barnum's Hotel [pictured here]. expenses of the day $5.50. weather clear & warm.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28, 1860

On this date in 1860 . . . the Keeper of the Journal, aka James Madison Hall, is still in New York with his father, Joshua James Hall . . . and there are no Journal entries for the rest of the month of July . . . but elsewhere in Texas . . . 


BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, July 28, 1860, p. 2, c. 1. Our First Issue. We this day, issued the first number of our paper, with the above title. We hope to make it a useful weekly visitor to the homes and firesides of our readers. . . .

BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, July 28, 1860, p. 2, c. 1. Excitement in Northern Texas. — By an extra from the office of the Brenham Enquirer dated the 23d inst., we learn that [tear in paper] excitement in Northern Texas [tear in paper] an insurrection movement among the negroes, led on by white men. Enough has been discovered to show that a deep laid plot was on the eve of being consummated to free the negroes and destroy the whites. The insurrection was to take place on the election day in August. The burning of the town of Dallas on the 8th inst., and of Denton, Pilot Point, Belknap, Gainesville, Black Jack Grove, etc., has been traced to the agency of these emissaries. With such warnings about us it is time to beware. Let every citizen and every member of the households in our County be on the look-out — be vigilant, be watchful. There are many itinerating strangers among us. Some pretending to follow one occupation and some another. They may be spies and fiends intent on the destruction of our homes, our property and our lives. No harm can result from "Eternal vigilance." P.S. — We learn since writing the above, that a meeting has been held at Hempstead, to devise ways and means on these matters. What will our people do?

BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, July 28, 1860, p. 3, c. 7. $50! If paid strictly in advance, pays for board and Tuition for five months, (if not paid till close of Session, seventy dollars at -- Mound Prairie Institute, Mound Prairie, Anderson Co., Texas. Faculty. Elder Jas. R. Malone, M. A., President; Professor of Latin, Greek, Spanish, Pure Mathematics and Belles Letters. Elder M. V. Smith, Prof. English Branches, Natural Science and mixed Mathematics. Geo. W. Awalt, Tutor. Female Department. Miss M. A. E. Dickson, Principal and instructress of Literary and Ornamental branches and French. Musical Department is under the control of Prof. C. F. Cheesman, late of Alabama. Prof. Cheesman is an expert Musician and master of his profession. In short he is second to none in his department in the State of Texas, and the progress of the pupils give ample testimony of the fact.

Tuition for a Term of Five Months.
  • First Class -- $10
  • Second Class -- $15
  • Third Class -- $20
  • Extra Course
    • Music, with use of Instrument -- $25
    • Ornamental and Needle Work -- $15
    • Spanish -- $20
    • French -- $20
    • Drawing and Painting, each -- $10
  • Contingent fee, due on entrance -- $50
  • Declamation and composition every two weeks. Public review fourth Friday in every month.
  • Tuition due from day of entrance to the close of the session.

The President is prepared to take in forty boarders, in dormitories on his own land, at the exceedingly low price of $50 for a term of five months, (if not paid till the end of the term $70,) if paid strictly in advance. Positively no deduction in any case except for protracted sickness. All damage done to dormitories or furniture will be charged to the occupants of dormitories. Present session closes June 10th, and the next session opens 2d Monday in August.

J. R. Malone, Principal.

N.B.—All bills for board and tuition due, made payable at Plentitude, Anderson County, Texas.

Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23, 1860

On this date in 1860 . . . the Keeper of the Journal, aka James Madison Hall, is in New York with his father, Joshua James Hall . . . and there are no Journal entries for the rest of the month of July . . . but elsewhere in the United States . . .

CHARLESTON MERCURY, July 23, 1860, p. 3, c. 5

On Marriage. -- I suppose there is a modicum of romance in most natures, and that if it gather about any event it is that of marriage. Most people marry their ideals. There is more or less fictitious and fallacious glory resting upon the head of every bride, which the inchoate husband believes in. Most men and women manufacture perfection in their mates by a happy process of their imaginations, and then marry them. This, of course, wears away. By the time the husband has seen his wife eat heartily of pork and beans, and, with her hair frizzled, and her oldest dress on, full of the enterprize [sic] of overhauling things, he sees that she belongs to the same race as himself.

And she, when her husband gets up cross in the morning, and undertakes to shave himself with cold water and a dull razor, while his suspenders dangle at his heels, begins to see that man is a very prosaic animal. In other words, there is such a thing as a honeymoon, of longer or shorter duration; and while the moonshine lasts, the radiance of the seventh heaven cannot compare with it. It is a very delicious little delirium -- a febrile mental disease -- which, like measles, never comes again.

When the honeymoon passes away, setting behind dull mountains, or dipping silently into the stormy sea of life, the trying hour of marriage life has come. Between the parties, there are no more illusions. The feverish desire of possession is gone -- vanished into gratification -- and all excitement has receded. Then begins, or should begin, the business of adaptation. If they find that they do not love one another as they thought they did, they should double their assiduous attentions to one another, and be jealous of everything which tends in the slightest degree to separate them. Life is too precious to be thrown away in secret regrets, or open differences. And let me say to every one to whom the romance of life has fled, and who are discontented in the lightest degree with their condition and relations, begin the work of reconciliation before you are a day older.

Renew the attentions of earlier days. Draw your hearts close together. Talk the thing all over. Acknowledge your faults to one another, and determine that henceforth you will be all in all to each other; and my word for it, you shall find in your relation the sweetest joy earth has for you. There is no other way for you to do. If you are happy at home you must be happy abroad; the man or woman who has settled down upon the conviction that he or she is attached for life to an uncongenial yoke fellow, and that there is no way of escape, has lost life; there is no effort too costly to make which can restore to its setting upon the bosoms, the missing pearl. -- Timothy Titcomb.

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19th, 1860

On this date in 1860 . . . the Keeper of the Journal, aka James Madison Hall, is in New York with his father, Joshua James Hall . . . and there are no Journal entries for the rest of the month of July . . . but elsewhere in Texas . . .

150 years later . . . comments on the Texas Troubles of 1860

DAILY GAZETTE & COMET [BATON ROUGE, LA], July 19, 1860, p. 2, c. 1. The Town of Dallas, Texas Consumed. -- The Houston Telegraph gives an account of a destruction conflagation [sic] which visited Dallas on Sunday the 8th inst. With the exception of a few dwelling houses, the entire place is in ashes. The loss is estimated at $300,000.

TEXAS BAPTIST [Anderson, TX], July 19, 1860, p. 2, c. 5. The Drouth. We have just returned from Huntsville. The roads continue dry and dusty. Farmers are much discouraged. Corn crops are about a total failure in many fields, and the best is not half a crop. -- Cotton is now presenting a gloomy prospect, a few very small bolls have matured and are opening. The most of the young bolls and forms will soon fall off unless it rains soon. The cotton crop is likely to be a worse failure than the corn crop, in the counties we have seen. We hope our friends in the northern part of the State will pity us and send us some flour, and some small grain of different kinds to sow for our stock during the winter. We want Barley, Rye, Wheat and oats.

TEXAS BAPTIST [Anderson, TX], July 19, 1860, p. 2, c. 6. Fire at Dallas. -- We are sorry to learn that nearly the whole of the town of Dallas was destroyed by fire on the 7th instant, leaving not a hotel, store, or office hardly remaining. The loss is estimated at between $3000,000 [sic] and $500,000. The fire spread with such rapidity that very little was saved, and part of the goods taken out of some of the buildings were consumed. This will be a severe blow on that growing place, as we understand there was but little insurance. It is supposed to have been the work of abolition incendiaries.